Wellbeing - How employees feel about stress, pressure at work and life balance
The Wellbeing factor is closely linked with Fair Deal. If the scores for Fair Deal are low, the first place we’d recommend you look is Wellbeing.
If Wellbeing is also low, it may be that employees are being worked too hard and feel they are not being fairly remunerated for it.
The CIPP has arranged for employees to have free access to Peppy Health, which is a menopause, fertility, early parenthood, and men's health related app. There is also online support by professionals to help with any questions and tips on how to manage menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms.
Once a month, managers are asked to focus on one value and nominate an employee who has shown exemplary work towards that value. A vote of the selected candidates then takes place and the winning employee is congratulated by the senior leadership team and recognised throughout the organisation.
It is a Living Wage Employer and ensures a company-wide fair pay structure relating to job title and responsibility for that role. It has an annual pay review every September to ensure all employees’ salaries are consistent across all departments, and this year has also taken the cost of living increase into account.
Oakland has a dedicated menopause support policy available. For managers, recognising the symptoms of the menopause is vital to treating an affected employee fairly. This policy includes installing a water cooler, providing desk fans, making rooms for rest available, allowing for more frequent breaks, quiet working spaces, and extended deadlines.
It has recently introduced personal learning budgets for its teams. This provides each employee with a £400 individual learning budget that they can choose to spend on the learning intervention that best meets their development plan. Additionally it offers internal workshops when there is a requirement for tailored training.
As part of its Oakland Gives Back scheme, it matches the amount raised for any employee taking part in charity fundraising. If at the end of the financial year the amount allocated to good causes has not been spent it asks employees to nominate small local charities close to their heart.