Capsticks holds regular in person events by division, office, and firm wide. These include summer parties, Christmas parties, annual awards, and events organised by its employee network groups to recognise and celebrate specific events such as Ramadan, Pride and South Asian Heritage month.
The Capsticks Academy offers a range of learning resources developed and delivered by both in-house experts and external specialists. It also provides business skills masterclasses including; People Management, Time Management, Work Management and Protecting your Wellbeing, Delegation, Trainee Supervisor Training, Appraisals training, Mentally Healthy Leading Manager training and Reflective practice forums.
Each legal role has a set of competencies which are displayed on the firm’s intranet. Capsticks has an open, transparent promotions process which it runs twice a year, in May and November. Upon promotion to Partner, a mentor is assigned, coaching put in place, and additional training on finance and business development is given.
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