What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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Edenhouse Solutions Limited

Edenhouse have developed their own, bespoke, Edenhouse mini-MBA programme for managers. This highly engaging and interactive course is delivered over 6 monthly modules. Managers cover a diverse range of topics, from the latest research into management behaviours that have been show to drive team engagement, to effective storytelling and presenting skills, and the psychology of personality traits and motivation to equality, inclusion and diversity.

Edenhouse developed their own Mental Health Buddy scheme. They put 16 volunteers through an intensive training course so they could provide an effective listening and signposting service for colleagues. Information about Mental Health Buddies is displayed around their sites in a way similar to the information relating to physical first aiders, and is regularly communicated to colleagues via a number of other online channels.

Edenhouse developed their own Mental Health Buddy scheme. They put 16 volunteers through an intensive training course so they could provide an effective listening and signposting service for colleagues. Information about Mental Health Buddies is displayed around their sites in a way similar to the information relating to physical first aiders, and is regularly communicated to colleagues via a number of other online channels.

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Eden Project

Mental health and wellbeing is high on their agenda. They have partnered with MIND to deliver a variety of mental health training and support sessions, such as awareness workshops, manager skills sessions and mental health first aid at work training. They regularly engage with local NHS partnerships to support a variety of health related matters such as smoking cessation and weight management. Through learning and development programmes they promote their relationship with nature and encourage team members to spend more time in nature, which is proven to have a positive impact on wellbeing. They run sporting events on their site, such as the Eden Marathon and Sportive and actively encourage their staff to participate in these events. Many of their staff take advantage of the cycle to work scheme and cycle to work to improve their health and fitness.

Mental health and wellbeing is high on their agenda. They have partnered with MIND to deliver a variety of mental health training and support sessions, such as awareness workshops, manager skills sessions and mental health first aid at work training. They regularly engage with local NHS partnerships to support a variety of health related matters such as smoking cessation and weight management. Through learning and development programmes they promote their relationship with nature and encourage team members to spend more time in nature, which is proven to have a positive impact on wellbeing. They run sporting events on their site, such as the Eden Marathon and Sportive and actively encourage their staff to participate in these events. Many of their staff take advantage of the cycle to work scheme and cycle to work to improve their health and fitness.

Each January they close the site for two days, to bring all of their staff together for an organisation-wide event called the 'Eden Gathering'. During this event the Executive Directors give updates on various aspects of the business, business performance and plans for the future. Participants are encouraged to take part in experiential activities that help them understand Eden's purpose and encourage them to get to know people in other teams. Sometimes these activities may be solely focused on cultivating the 'Eden spirit' (motivation and engagement) e.g. exploring the Rainforest Biome or drumming in the Mediterranean Biome; or at other times for knowledge transfer, or getting employee input on projects through facilitated discussions.

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EDAM Group

EDAM Group have installed a 3000 litre interceptor to deal with the run off from washing their fleet vehicles. This unit collects 3000 litres of petrol, silt and run off that would otherwise make it's way into the sewer system and pollute the water.

Engagement is a key aspect of day to day life at the EDAM Group. They hold numerous engagement activities throughout the year, from summer BBQ'S to wellbeing days, their 3 social events and many more. They have also recently introduced the employee Exchange Committee which allows employee reps from all business areas to come together once per month to meet with the CEO.

Engagement is a key aspect of day to day life at the EDAM Group. They hold numerous engagement activities throughout the year, from summer BBQ'S to wellbeing days, their 3 social events and many more. They have also recently introduced the employee Exchange Committee which allows employee reps from all business areas to come together once per month to meet with the CEO.

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Durham Tees Valley Community Rehabilitation Company

The CEO holds regular 'Breakfast Briefings' open to all colleagues and is a way for staff to feedback on anything they wish the SMT to know, or wish to ask the CEO.

The CEO holds regular 'Breakfast Briefings' open to all colleagues and is a way for staff to feedback on anything they wish the SMT to know, or wish to ask the CEO.

The 'Future Stars Programme' is a talent management programme that recognises potential, enables the organisation to 'grow their own' and contributes to succession planning; open to any grade of staff who is either aspiring to a managerial role or wishing to lead on projects/initiatives.

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Duckworth Motor Group

All senior managers at each site attend a monthly management meeting to review actions being taken to meet organisations goals.

Employee Forum commenced in 2019 which has representatives from each site and each department. Forum members represent all other employees from the same department and council colleagues for ideas on how to improve business and employee engagement.

Employee Forum commenced in 2019 which has representatives from each site and each department. Forum members represent all other employees from the same department and council colleagues for ideas on how to improve business and employee engagement.

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Dovetail Games

Dovetail Games want all employees to live to work, not work to live. They operate core business hours of 10am to 4pm which allows their people to fit work into their lives with hours that suit them and their family commitments/sleep patterns/commute. They also allow an extra level of flexibility with regards to working around personal commitments, such as the school run or a boiler service, in which employees can adjust their hours even further, as long as they still complete their contracted hours.

Dovetail Games want all employees to live to work, not work to live. They operate core business hours of 10am to 4pm which allows their people to fit work into their lives with hours that suit them and their family commitments/sleep patterns/commute. They also allow an extra level of flexibility with regards to working around personal commitments, such as the school run or a boiler service, in which employees can adjust their hours even further, as long as they still complete their contracted hours.

Dovetail Games want all employees to live to work, not work to live. They operate core business hours of 10am to 4pm which allows their people to fit work into their lives with hours that suit them and their family commitments/sleep patterns/commute. They also allow an extra level of flexibility with regards to working around personal commitments, such as the school run or a boiler service, in which employees can adjust their hours even further, as long as they still complete their contracted hours.

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Dove House Hospice Limited

The CEO leading Dove House has an open door policy reflected by all members of the Executive Management Team. The leader is highly visible, and regularly visits every department to spend time with staff and volunteers.

The hospice has an Environmental Policy which is reviewed annually and is the responsibility of the Health & Safety Officer, approved by the Director of Finance & Support Services. Details of this are available to staff on the hospice intranet. The building utilises solar panels, the benefits of which are twofold, both reducing the environmental impact of the site, and reducing operating costs of the organisation.

The CEO leading Dove House has an open door policy reflected by all members of the Executive Management Team. The leader is highly visible, and regularly visits every department to spend time with staff and volunteers.

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DJS (UK) Limited

All employees that work for DJS (UK) Limited work from the same office in central Bournemouth. The office is open plan, which means that every team can interact with ease. Even the CEO does not have a secluded office, and he welcomes anyone approaching him with questions.

All employees that work for DJS (UK) Limited work from the same office in central Bournemouth. The office is open plan, which means that every team can interact with ease. Even the CEO does not have a secluded office, and he welcomes anyone approaching him with questions.

Table tennis and pool tables, dart boards and a projector with a screen for gaming have been added to the break room for employees to use as a way to get away from the desk and combat stress.

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Day Webster

Every quarter the company holds an Executive Lunch. This lunch will consist of all members of the executive team, including the owners, and eight employees who have been nominated, by employees, and voted for, by the Senior Management Team. These lunches enable employees to enjoy lunch and afternoon with the Executive Team helping building relationships.

Day Webster have recently introduced a wellbeing service which is provided through a qualified mental health nurse. Employees are given the opportunity to use this service confidentially. If the registered nurse feels that the issue the employee is facing is work-related, they will try and encourage the employee to speak to the HR department or ask if they are happy for the nurse to liaise with them directly.

Every quarter the company holds an Executive Lunch. This lunch will consist of all members of the executive team, including the owners, and eight employees who have been nominated, by employees, and voted for, by the Senior Management Team. These lunches enable employees to enjoy lunch and afternoon with the Executive Team helping building relationships.

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David Lloyd Clubs

David Lloyd have an employee engagement application called 'KITBag' which can be accessed via a computer, tablet or mobile phone. It is an informal tool which enables all team members to get involved, chat and share best practice, as well as the company being able to provide company updates, latest news and also promote benefits and key initiatives such as mental health week.

David Lloyd currently run two development programmes. One for team members to become ready for middle management roles called 'Step up to HoD'; and one for HoDs to become ready for a General Manager role called 'Step up to GM'. Both programmes have been designed and run by Operations and HR collaboratively and both have gained considerable credibility within the business with delegates feeling a sense of recognition in being selected.

David Lloyd have an employee engagement application called 'KITBag' which can be accessed via a computer, tablet or mobile phone. It is an informal tool which enables all team members to get involved, chat and share best practice, as well as the company being able to provide company updates, latest news and also promote benefits and key initiatives such as mental health week.

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