My Company - The level of engagement employees feel with their job and organisation
My Company is what we call an ‘output’ factor, it focuses on people’s ‘love’ and ‘pride’ in working for your organisation.
Now unfortunately you can’t directly make people feel these emotions, but when all of the other seven factors are doing well, people will be far more likely to experience that love and pride ultimately improving the My Company factor as a result.
Thwaites trained a number of staff as facilitators and trainers which has been hugely successful in helping encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, ideas generation and feedback in many more areas than before.
Every member of staff has access to a free, confidential helpline that is available 24/7 where there is a range of advice and support available, including a counselling service.
Thwaites trained a number of staff as facilitators and trainers which has been hugely successful in helping encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, ideas generation and feedback in many more areas than before.
Currencycloud offer an Employee Assistance Programme for all employees. They also offer a Values, Vision and Goals workshop each quarter to allow employees an afternoon away from the business to consider their career and plan goals.
Currencycloud host meetings via Hangouts to allow the global teams to interact with ease. This also allows them to operate their flexible working policy and allows colleagues to attend meetings whilst working from home.
Currencycloud offer an Employee Assistance Programme for all employees. They also offer a Values, Vision and Goals workshop each quarter to allow employees an afternoon away from the business to consider their career and plan goals.
The Senior Management Team are first and foremost available to every member of staff, regardless of seniority. They actively engage in communication and discussions with every member of the organisation and this presence / availability demonstrates their commitment to ensuring everyone has a voice and can be heard.
The Senior Management Team are first and foremost available to every member of staff, regardless of seniority. They actively engage in communication and discussions with every member of the organisation and this presence / availability demonstrates their commitment to ensuring everyone has a voice and can be heard.
The Senior Management Team are first and foremost available to every member of staff, regardless of seniority. They actively engage in communication and discussions with every member of the organisation and this presence / availability demonstrates their commitment to ensuring everyone has a voice and can be heard.
Area Team Meetings are held every quarter off site. Each Operations Manager brings together their teams from each site to one meeting point to discuss new developments in the catering industry, share ideas and issues and partake in demonstrations from each other and from suppliers.
Onsite managers encourage their teams to train and gain external qualification. Helping with applications, course research and time to complete practical assessments onsite.
Connect subscribe every employee to Hospitality Action membership. This is free to every employee. All new employees receive membership from day one. They help and support those who work or have worked in the industry when they are in need.
Throughout the business Coloplast operate an "open door" policy where individuals are encouraged to speak to their managers on a regular basis, rather than only when there is an issue. They also pride themselves on being close to their customers and regularly listen into consumer calls to ensure they are aware of what the day to day issues are and will all regularly undertake visits to customers with their field based teams.
Employees are rewarded for their efforts in a range of ways, including the Employee of the Year and People Manager of the Year awards, announced at the end of year party. Customer Care recognise the employee of the month, with employees nominating their peers. Winners receive an additional day of holiday, and a caricature drawing of the winner is displayed in the office.
Employees are rewarded for their efforts in a range of ways, including the Employee of the Year and People Manager of the Year awards, announced at the end of year party. Customer Care recognise the employee of the month, with employees nominating their peers. Winners receive an additional day of holiday, and a caricature drawing of the winner is displayed in the office.
Coffin Mew pay for all employees to have private medical cover with Vitality Health, and through that they receive additional health related perks which are extremely popular. For example, heavily discounted watches to track steps and activity, and if a certain number is achieved each month then there is no monthly payment required for the watch; heavily subsidised spa days, and discounted gym memberships.
Coffin Mew provide all employees with personal insurance, an employee assistance programme, flexible benefits, free private healthcare and performance related pay.
Recently, the Commercial Property Team took part in day volunteering at a special needs school in their local area, and re-painted parts of the school's interior during the school holidays.
CloserStill run a full management training programme which is given by an external trainer. They also encourage management to meet together on a regular basis to discuss issues and offer solutions to each other or to then highlight these to the senior management to provide training.
CloserStill have annual appraisals where a manager will sit with each member of their team on an individual basis and run through what they have achieved over the past 12 months and areas for development for the next 12.
CloserStill run a full management training programme which is given by an external trainer. They also encourage management to meet together on a regular basis to discuss issues and offer solutions to each other or to then highlight these to the senior management to provide training.
Car allowance, flexible benefits, performance related pay and staff discounts are available to all employees.
The Chief Executive emails all employees on a weekly basis with a "blog". This keeps all employees up to date with the environment within which they work, new developments in the organisation, keeping employees up to date with what the CEO is doing, recognising achievements of the teams through compliments received both internal and external.
City Health Care Partnership provide all employees with 360-degree feedback, e-learning, external coaching, financial support for work related qualifications and paid time off for study.
Benefits such as car allowance, free dental insurance, performance related pay and staff discounts are available to all employees at Citation.
90% of Citations managers have been through an Internal Leadership one day course which includes training on effective communication, situational leadership, coaching, employee engagement and difficult conversations. They have also run specific management training sessions such as absence management and mental health awareness for managers.
Benefits such as car allowance, free dental insurance, performance related pay and staff discounts are available to all employees at Citation.
Circadian Trust support employees to take time away from the business to travel and experience new ways of working such as Camp America. They encourage people to share their personal achievements within the workplace and regularly showcase triathlons, marathons, extreme bike rides to name a few.
Circadian Trust provide free advice and help for employees and their families ranging from health, work, financial, family, personal and even moving house.
Circadian Trust support employees to take time away from the business to travel and experience new ways of working such as Camp America. They encourage people to share their personal achievements within the workplace and regularly showcase triathlons, marathons, extreme bike rides to name a few.