What are companies doing with regards to 'Wellbeing'

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Ikano Bank

Throughout the pandemic the bank has continued to support its newest people managers with coaching and guidance, albeit virtually, to help them deal with the complexity caused by lockdown and remote-working. Ikano also arranged support webinars on a number of topics including resilience and leading in a crisis.

In addition to organising webinars on topics such as Leading in Times of Change, Addictive Behaviours, and Resilience, Ikano Bank collectively challenged staff to walk, run or cycle the distance from Nottingham to its offices in Sweden over the period of a week.

Traditionally Ikano Bank has rewarded staff with vouchers worth between £75 - £175 to share with their friends and family and has given digital gifts such as Echo Dots, Virgin Experience Days, additional holidays and even trips to Sweden to fully embrace the Ikano culture.

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Marketing & Media Agencies

IFF Research


The annual appraisal process allows individuals to set objectives with their manager and these are reviewed throughout the year to ensure goals are reached. This provides the basis for two promotion waves within the year where individuals are put forward for progression.

Physical and mental wellbeing has been a key focus during the pandemic. IFF introduced a range of initiatives to boost positivity and the general welfare of staff from weekly wellbeing updates to team movement challenges, regular surveys and engagement audits. It also promoted its employee assistance programme to all employees.

For Christmas, instead of giving gifts to clients, IFF donated to two charities on their behalf. By supporting homeless charity Centrepoint and The Trussell Trust which support foodbanks, IFF was able to help others at need last Christmas. Staff also get two paid volunteering days a year.

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Business Services

Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce


HWCC has continued to support professional development including degree apprenticeships. Managers have access to the training courses and webinars the Chamber has organised for external businesses which range from building resilience to managing mental health during the Coronavirus crisis and leading through change and uncertainty.

Morale boosting activities included quizzes, origami making, a sunflower growing contest and the 12@12 initiative - 12 minutes of exercise at noon to encourage staff to get away from their desk. During the initial lockdown HWCC also introduced a Friday Pause at 4 to encourage employees to meditate.

During the pandemic, HWCC has provided a day's paid leave for employees to take part in charity work. Fundraising events included a virtual Macmillan Coffee Morning and a short comedy festive video it made for a virtual carol service to raise money for the local food bank.

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Health & Social Care



Healios is launching its first management development programme. The People Manager learning pathway is based on an analysis of the day-to-day challenges and opportunities managers face. The scheme aims to enable managers to act as stewards for the company's culture and engender an atmosphere in which all employees thrive.

Last year, Healios launched the Healios Academy, a career-development initiative for experienced clinicians to develop autism assessment skills. The academy was set up to address Helios's need to expand its neurodevelopmental team, as a result of unprecedented demand for its assessment services.

Concerns were raised about physical and mental wellbeing when lockdown restrictions precluded employees from leaving home. Staff spearheaded a Healios group on an exercise tracking app to support and generate fitness-related activities and ideas. The company continued its weekly mindfulness sessions, fortnightly yoga classes and “Walking Wednesdays”.

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Marketing & Media Agencies



Hallam has a social channel dedicated towards recognising achievements where employees can nominate one another for going the extra mile or being a great colleague. At the weekly get together the person with the most nominations receives a prize, usually a gift card or a day trip.

Hallam has three training tracks: leadership, specialist, and consultant. During the pandemic Hallam delivered comprehensive training including a reading programme and online courses in assertiveness, machine learning and design. It also launched a programme called Unity to promote integrated working and communication.

Hallam's mental health and wellbeing programme includes trained mental health first aiders, free counselling, training on resilience, meditation and purpose, and access to peer coaching. Hallam also works to create an atmosphere of psychological safety and a culture that encourages a sense of unity and togetherness.

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Haines Watts


To thank its team members in the north east for their efforts, commitment and resilience during an unusual year Haines Watts stopped work on a Wednesday afternoon and encouraged everyone to do something they enjoyed and had afternoon tea delivered to their homes.

Haines Watts promotes employee development by showcasing stories of those who have completed its award-winning talent programmes which earned it Silver for Employee Training and Development at the UK Employee Experience Awards in 2020. The Leadership Development Programme has transformed learning and development at the firm.

During Stress Awareness Week one of the managing partners shared his story about his mental health and this year Haines Watts has run a national mindfulness training programme and staff also took part in quizzes, yoga and fitness initiatives to boost morale.

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Marketing & Media Agencies



In 2020, as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion Goodstuff launched its D&I network: the Do the Right Thing Council. The Council is made up of eight working groups covering different areas of diversity each spearheaded by a Partner in a leadership role.

All training programmes have continued during the pandemic during which time 30% of Goodstuffers gained a qualification from the industry's governing body, the IPA. Development opportunities include Manager's Academy, a six-month programme for all managers and regular all-agency training talks which everyone is encouraged to attend.

In addition to mental health workshops, staff have free access to online fitness classes, and Goodstuff launched an agency 'Couch to 5k' group. It also ran a Feelgood Week, with activities including a crafty cuppa, one on one mindfulness sessions, a nutritionist talk and financial planning advice.

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Golding Homes

Staff get an annual £200 grant to put towards hobbies, activities or training to support their wellbeing and happiness. Golding has also launched a wellbeing programme and a range of activities have also been kept morale high including quizzes, water cooler chat moments, huddles, virtual coffees and lunches.

The remuneration package includes 28 days annual leave in addition to bank holidays, company pension contribution and life assurance plus flexible benefits, including a health cash plan, the opportunity to buy additional holiday, a cycle to work scheme, an onsite gym, and retail discounts

In response to the pandemic Golding launched a hardship fund giving £100 to residents struggling financially for essentials such as food, gas, and electricity. It also donated to homelessness charity, Porchlight and Maidstone Winter Churches Shelter, providing 55 hot meals over Christmas and sent hampers to local charities.

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Global Processing Services (GPS)


GPS's Learning and Development Programme offers one to one coaching and mentorship for all managers. Breakfast Brainstorms and Lunch and Learns are available to all and bimonthly virtual presentations keep everyone in the loop. Through its emerging leaders programme participants receive the Star Manager level 4 certificate.

Company healthcare, assistance plans and financial wellbeing sessions help its workforce keep well. Nobody was obliged to return to the office full time once its doors opened and flexible working is supported. Home office equipment was offered to all staff during the pandemic to ensure their physical wellbeing.

A signatory of the Women in Finance Charter, GPS is dedicated to promoting female talent in the sector. Men are also supported and last November staff raised money for mental health charities by taking part in Movember. Virtual breakfasts and blog posts also helped spread awareness of men's health issues.

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It was paramount for the company to maintain a regular training rhythm during the pandemic and digital learning made sessions more flexible. The company ran an onboarding session with the education team to allow new starters to understand better the history, culture and products.

The firm also increased the frequency of 1-1 catch ups, introduced a virtual Covid hub with key information on mental health and wellbeing including managing yourself and others and it also launched a Facebook page to share additional social activity.

For 16 years ghd has supported Breast Cancer Charities globally and has helped raise $20 million through annual limited-edition collections and awareness campaigns. It no longer uses silica gel within its supply chain, replacing it with a non-toxic, chemical free and is fully biodegradable.

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