What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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Funding Circle

Coffee and Lunch Roulette is carried out bi-weekly, where individuals from other departments are randomly selected to have lunch or a coffee with someone else to promote cross-departmental bonding.

CEO Samir is willing to take all ideas seriously regardless of who they come from - whether from another manager or a team member. He is also incredibly approachable and sits in the main office with the rest of the company.

CEO Samir is willing to take all ideas seriously regardless of who they come from - whether from another manager or a team member. He is also incredibly approachable and sits in the main office with the rest of the company.

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Members of the team are invited to bi-monthly People Briefings, which bring colleagues together to share success stories. In addition, the creation of a Drop-in Zone allows colleagues to meet, share ideas and be involved in key projects in different areas.

Members of the team are invited to bi-monthly People Briefings, which bring colleagues together to share success stories. In addition, the creation of a Drop-in Zone allows colleagues to meet, share ideas and be involved in key projects in different areas.

The business sets aside time to engage with Stress Awareness Day in order to encourage staff to look after themselves and their lives, while breaking down individual stressors. To raise awareness, staff were offered free massages, and were given top tips on combating the effects of stress.

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Freebridge Community Housing

Since 2014, Freebridge have run Providence Street community centre in King's Lynn, taking over when it was underused and in decline and turning it into a thriving, refurbished and buzzing resource. The centre provides office space for partners, such as the NHS, and provides a venue for local groups and activities.

The management team are role models for the values and demonstrate them in their engagement, both internally and externally. They have led on the evolution of the values, empowering employees to determine what each value means.

Freebridge have a number of practices in place to ease workplace stress. This includes access to counselling, which helps individuals to address personal stress, and coaching to empower employees to find their own solutions to workplace challenges they may be facing.

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Forget Me Not Children's Hospice

All of the line managers are able to 'job shadow' in other departments and this is particularly encouraged with its Care Department, as this enables our people to have a greater understanding of the care services that are offered to the children and families that the organisation supports.

Last year, colleagues were invited to attend a garden party at the Hospice Grounds as part of the organisation's All Team Day annual event. As a thank you to staff for their hard work, the event promoted relaxation and fun, with a live band playing in the garden, games and an ice cream van.

All of the line managers are able to 'job shadow' in other departments and this is particularly encouraged with its Care Department, as this enables our people to have a greater understanding of the care services that are offered to the children and families that the organisation supports.

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Forest Fuels

All staff have their birthday off work - if a birthday falls at a weekend, they can simply take a day off in one of the weeks before or after the weekend.

All staff have their birthday off work - if a birthday falls at a weekend, they can simply take a day off in one of the weeks before or after the weekend.

Forest Fuels have donated wood chip to television show DIY SOS in Telford, creating a home for a very ill little boy. They also donated wood chip to a memorial garden in Devon commemorating a fallen soldier.

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Fleet Alliance Ltd

A flat management style ensures that employees are comfortable in quizzing the directors about the business in general. Upper management employ walkabout techniques to involve themselves in group conversation and to be on-hand to answer any questions.

A flat management style ensures that employees are comfortable in quizzing the directors about the business in general. Upper management employ walkabout techniques to involve themselves in group conversation and to be on-hand to answer any questions.

A flat management style ensures that employees are comfortable in quizzing the directors about the business in general. Upper management employ walkabout techniques to involve themselves in group conversation and to be on-hand to answer any questions.

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Fidessa have introduced free lunchtime yoga, pilates and circuit training classes for staff in the Woking office. In all UK offices, the company offers 20 minute back and shoulder massages to relieve the stresses of everyday life.

Each year the company provides at least two events that are open to all employees to attend. The events are great opportunities for employees to mix and catch up with colleagues that they haven't seen for some time and receive company-wide updates.

Fidessa have a peer-to-peer reward scheme whereby employees are nominated to receive a £100 voucher for going the extra mile. Winners are chosen by comparing their performance to the company's values.

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FBC Manby Bowdler LLP

Just some of the events they have supported recently include sending a team to build a sensory garden at a local primary school, taking part in Women In Engineering day with Wolverhampton University and working with a primary school to design a new advert for the company.

CEO Kim understands the need to engage with the employees and goes out of her way to ensure she is communicating well. Importantly, she meets all new starters in their first week and checks back in with them after a few months to ensure they are happy at work.

CEO Kim understands the need to engage with the employees and goes out of her way to ensure she is communicating well. Importantly, she meets all new starters in their first week and checks back in with them after a few months to ensure they are happy at work.

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Leaders of the company aim to improve clarity in terms of structure, promotions and salary increases. This, in addition to a robust recruiting and retention policy, has demonstrated that the progression within the company is clear, open and merit based.

Fashion-uk have teamed up with Alex's Wish to promote awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The company also seeks individuals for work experience placements from local schools, offering young people the opportunity to experience the work environment.

Leaders of the company aim to improve clarity in terms of structure, promotions and salary increases. This, in addition to a robust recruiting and retention policy, has demonstrated that the progression within the company is clear, open and merit based.

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Explore Worldwide Limited

EW have a total of 68 solar panels on the roof of the Farnborough office. To date, the company have created over 42 MWh of energy and saved over 16,000kg of carbon dioxide emissions. Staff are updated regularly on how much energy they are creating.

Employee wellbeing is supported with free sports massages, acupuncture and osteopathy. The company also offers full health screenings to staff, as well as an annual, free flu jab to all staff in the office.

Employee wellbeing is supported with free sports massages, acupuncture and osteopathy. The company also offers full health screenings to staff, as well as an annual, free flu jab to all staff in the office.

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