What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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Hasbro UK Limited

The mission, values and vision are regularly communicated at quarterly company updates, ‘State of the Company' presentations and team away days. The ‘Kapow Awards' also communicate the values.

The mission, values and vision are regularly communicated at quarterly company updates, ‘State of the Company' presentations and team away days. The ‘Kapow Awards' also communicate the values.

Informal business updates take place weekly on the open floor. More structured company updates take place every quarter. Senior leaders have an ‘open door' policy, with employees able to discuss any topic.

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Harvey Water Softeners

There are monthly meetings with the Managing Director regarding employees' development, setting goals to develop skills, and how they've implemented training so far. Due to recent growth, appraisals are now every three months.

Departmental strategies are based on the company values, which are used in meetings and talked about regularly. Management also attend annual fun activities to get them involved and interacting with people outside of work.

Departmental strategies are based on the company values, which are used in meetings and talked about regularly. Management also attend annual fun activities to get them involved and interacting with people outside of work.

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Hanson Wade

Hanson Wade have bought more working space to create a better working environment. This has led to a huge increase in collaborative meetings. People can work how they want – standing up, in their quiet reflection room, or on a sofa with their feet up.

Everyone gets £100 each year to spend on anything that involves learning something new. There's one day off per year for charity work, and the winner of ‘Wader of the Month' receives £200 to spend on an experience.

Hanson Wade have bought more working space to create a better working environment. This has led to a huge increase in collaborative meetings. People can work how they want – standing up, in their quiet reflection room, or on a sofa with their feet up.

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Handle Recruitment Limited

Handle Recruitment run ‘huddles', where teams gather in pods to discuss successes. There's also an annual trip to Barcelona to celebrate reaching business targets and the company pays for Friday drinks to encourage team-building and communication.

Handle Recruitment's consultants work with the Amy Winehouse Foundation to deliver ‘Employability Workshop Masterclasses'. They also back Music Support, a start-up charity helping musicians and individuals to overcome addictions, and Haringey Shed, a performing arts company for young people.

Handle Recruitment's consultants work with the Amy Winehouse Foundation to deliver ‘Employability Workshop Masterclasses'. They also back Music Support, a start-up charity helping musicians and individuals to overcome addictions, and Haringey Shed, a performing arts company for young people.

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Hallmark Care Homes

Everyone is encouraged to exceed their potential with an array of learning and development opportunities. They get a thorough, tailored induction, a mentor/buddy, and ongoing personal and professional development. Apprenticeship programmes are available to all.

Hallmark Care Homes installed a biomass boiler in one home and others have energy-saving bulbs, solar panels and effective heat-recirculating systems. They encourage team members to drive hybrid or electric cars through a car salary sacrifice scheme.

Everyone is encouraged to exceed their potential with an array of learning and development opportunities. They get a thorough, tailored induction, a mentor/buddy, and ongoing personal and professional development. Apprenticeship programmes are available to all.

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Groupcall Limited

Many employees opt for home working, or a home-work balance to help accommodate childcare and their personal circumstances. Staff also benefit from shifted hours that make caring for loved ones easier, or simply make the commute to work slightly more bearable.

By working in different parts of the office during the year and being a member of each team, leadership is available at any time for all members of staff. Managers also regularly participate in team activities and bonding.

Many employees opt for home working, or a home-work balance to help accommodate childcare and their personal circumstances. Staff also benefit from shifted hours that make caring for loved ones easier, or simply make the commute to work slightly more bearable.

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Gravitas Recruitment Group Limited

Gravitas have a bespoke training system that was designed in-house. It is supported by a team of dedicated trainers, external consultants, providers and managers. The program is modular and caters to different learnings styles through a very wide variety of methods.

Gravitas have a bespoke training system that was designed in-house. It is supported by a team of dedicated trainers, external consultants, providers and managers. The program is modular and caters to different learnings styles through a very wide variety of methods.

Gravitas have a bespoke training system that was designed in-house. It is supported by a team of dedicated trainers, external consultants, providers and managers. The program is modular and caters to different learnings styles through a very wide variety of methods.

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Gilo Industries Group

Gilo believes in making individuals leaders. Rather than micro-managing employees, the company asks staff what the problem is, what the ideal goal or solution is, and how to get there. They are then trusted to solve problems using their own initiative.

Gilo believes in making individuals leaders. Rather than micro-managing employees, the company asks staff what the problem is, what the ideal goal or solution is, and how to get there. They are then trusted to solve problems using their own initiative.

Teams have an annual company BBQ, complete with a summer olympics games. Gilo also offer employees the chance to try their hand at paramotoring, which often leads to employees participating in the company's fly-to-work scheme.

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Garvins Solicitors

The company offers a blended approach to training for managers and team leaders, and, to ensure consistency, everyone in the business experiences the same learning sessions and one-to-one support.

Week-long team building exercises are held where employees are put into teams, mixing with different departments all with the same goal to win the tasks set. Prizes for the team winners and for individual winners include weekends away and all-expenses-paid dinners.

Week-long team building exercises are held where employees are put into teams, mixing with different departments all with the same goal to win the tasks set. Prizes for the team winners and for individual winners include weekends away and all-expenses-paid dinners.

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Gain Theory

Every month, the company finances a social event to get all the teams together. Past trips have included: Shakespeare in the park, outdoor cinema, trampolining, pub quizzes, darts, ping pong, Oktoberfest, Go Ape, ice skating, softball, mixed football matches and much more.

Gain Theory offers aninnovative Training Academy to employees. Every new starter takes part in amonth-long training programme where they receive £25,000 worth of training,delivered by internal experts over a three-week period.

Every month, the company finances a social event to get all the teams together. Past trips have included: Shakespeare in the park, outdoor cinema, trampolining, pub quizzes, darts, ping pong, Oktoberfest, Go Ape, ice skating, softball, mixed football matches and much more.

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