What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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The Institute of the Motor Industry

In 2018, for the first time, three people completed an ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management. Managers are also assessed against specific criteria, such as building morale, being inclusive, and ensuring a healthy, safe and regulatory/legally compliant environment.

In 2018, for the first time, three people completed an ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management. Managers are also assessed against specific criteria, such as building morale, being inclusive, and ensuring a healthy, safe and regulatory/legally compliant environment.

Thanks to links with BEN, the automotive charity, staff get access to regular health checks. Staff can also take advantage of allowances for inoculations, optical and dental benefits, physiotherapy and alternative therapies. Procedures are in place to tackle stress early.

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The fresh Group

Through their recently implemented 'Campus Mentality', fresh have a very open business in an open-plan office to encourage the sharing of ideas and information. Staff can draw on the walls of meeting spaces and share their ideas visually, with all new recruits encouraged to embrace this creative freedom.

fresh operate with a small business mentality, offering individually tailored support to all employees to ensure their mental and physical wellbeing. Staff are actively encouraged to make use of the agency's medical expense programme and uncapped holiday allowance, all of which helps to keep stress levels low.

Through their recently implemented 'Campus Mentality', fresh have a very open business in an open-plan office to encourage the sharing of ideas and information. Staff can draw on the walls of meeting spaces and share their ideas visually, with all new recruits encouraged to embrace this creative freedom.

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The Breakfast Club (Catsteps Cafes)

The company holds a Summer Sports Day for all staff, during which all sites are closed to allow every team member to attend. An annual 'Los Cincos' trip is offered for all employees who have been with the business for five or more years, as well as a yearly trip away for the managers.

The company holds a Summer Sports Day for all staff, during which all sites are closed to allow every team member to attend. An annual 'Los Cincos' trip is offered for all employees who have been with the business for five or more years, as well as a yearly trip away for the managers.

The Breakfast Club are members of the Sustainable Restaurant Association and have a written ethical sourcing policy for suppliers. They recycle as much as they can and also work with a number of charities, often chosen by staff, to support them via volunteering efforts.

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The Body Shop International Ltd

The company seeks to become the world's most ethical and sustainable business, making efforts to enrich biodiversity where they grow their ingredients through regeneration projects. Additionally, the retailer is investing in sustainable packaging and energy efficiency, while staff regularly take part in volunteering events.

Regular meetings and continuous listening ensure that Body Shop managers are always empowered to have conversations with their teams. Celebratory events are held to mark major milestones, such as the recent handover of their animal testing petition to the UN, or the anniversary of their acquisition by Natura.

The company seeks to become the world's most ethical and sustainable business, making efforts to enrich biodiversity where they grow their ingredients through regeneration projects. Additionally, the retailer is investing in sustainable packaging and energy efficiency, while staff regularly take part in volunteering events.

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Every employee gets given a flexible benefit allowance each year to spend on improving their physical and mental wellbeing. The agency also offers a flexible working policy, unlimited holiday time and a city-swap scheme for all offices in their global network.

Text100 give their staff full autonomy to choose whatever career path suits them and set their own goals, which their managers will help them to achieve. As a result, employees are always working for clients they want to work on and developing skills that matter to them, resulting in strong results and retention rates.

Every employee gets given a flexible benefit allowance each year to spend on improving their physical and mental wellbeing. The agency also offers a flexible working policy, unlimited holiday time and a city-swap scheme for all offices in their global network.

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Tessian's senior management frequently go above and beyond to challenge actions inconsistent with their values, including on key issues such as diversity. Efforts are also made to keep staff in the loop about key issues and priorities through regular daily updates.

Information security and data protection training is provided annually for all staff, as well as additional training as and when required. The company also offers role-specific training, which is dependent on the type of data accessed for the proper performance of the role.

Information security and data protection training is provided annually for all staff, as well as additional training as and when required. The company also offers role-specific training, which is dependent on the type of data accessed for the proper performance of the role.

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In addition to a substantial cash training budget, Tessella allocate 150 hours per year to training for each member of staff. This applies to staff at all levels, with training covering sales, management and personal development topics as well as IT.

Management training is discussed and agreed on an individual basis during appraisals and monthly lunches. Training can take many forms, from attending courses to self-study, with regular meetings organised to measure the performance of the leadership team throughout the year.

In addition to a substantial cash training budget, Tessella allocate 150 hours per year to training for each member of staff. This applies to staff at all levels, with training covering sales, management and personal development topics as well as IT.

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They produce a monthly communication that changed in 2018 from a PDF email to a YouTube clip, as they recognised this was more engaging for staff across the business to relate to. The link is emailed to every member of staff for them to view.

The Senior Management Team is made up of a small team of four, recruited from various sectors with a wide-ranging skill set. Each of the team work as specialists within their respective area and are highly visible across the organisation and at each of their sites.

The Senior Management Team is made up of a small team of four, recruited from various sectors with a wide-ranging skill set. Each of the team work as specialists within their respective area and are highly visible across the organisation and at each of their sites.

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In July they took part in the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge in London. They had 20 runners and walkers and raised £759. Later on in the year six STR bakers baked cakes to fundraise for Diabetes UK, and they raised £168.

They hosted a month-long wellbeing initiative in October to coincide with National Work-Life Week, Back Care Awareness Week and Bone and Joint Action Week. The following sessions for employees; Desk Snack Hacks, Meal Prepping 101, Ergonomics, Alexander Technique, Chair Massage and Osteopathic.

STR has formed a ‘Celebrations Committee' consisting of 11 employees from various departments. The main purpose of the committee is to promote and organise various events throughout the year for all employees to celebrate their work and each other.

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STEM Healthcare

STEM Healthcare offer an open environment - both in the physical sense of open-plan offices as well as in their communication and culture. To that end they offer the use of pool table, games console, books to read, board games, yoga and mindfulness sessions.

The company's values are shared in a variety of ways, including during inductions, in artwork around the offices and in a video of the Chief Executive Officer talking about how their live our values. There is also a yearly award ceremony to celebrate living their values.

STEM Healthcare offer an open environment - both in the physical sense of open-plan offices as well as in their communication and culture. To that end they offer the use of pool table, games console, books to read, board games, yoga and mindfulness sessions.

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