Leadership - How employees feel about the head of the organisation, senior management and the organisation's values and principles
Leadership has the biggest influence on how employees feel about the organisation.
Leaders need to create inspiring visions and provide clear direction to positively Impact the My Company factor.
When it comes to Wellbeing, no amount of free fruit or stress busting classes are going to address an imbalance. Employee Wellbeing is a by-product of the leadership and management culture.
If there’s pressure at the top of your organisation, it won’t take long to be felt throughout.
The organisations Living Well, Working Well ethos actively promotes home and remote working. Communicating well with colleagues is key to its success. There are 13 different channels of communication, from face to face through Yammer as well as traditional phone/e-mail channels.
London & Partners state their vision, mission and strategy in all of their core documents and reinforce them regularly.
Ongo have environmental practices in place such as a cycle to work scheme, encouraging the use of public transport, encouraging working from home, energy efficient IT and also making employees aware of the organisations energy consumption.