Wellbeing - How employees feel about stress, pressure at work and life balance
The Wellbeing factor is closely linked with Fair Deal. If the scores for Fair Deal are low, the first place we’d recommend you look is Wellbeing.
If Wellbeing is also low, it may be that employees are being worked too hard and feel they are not being fairly remunerated for it.
An open and caring attitude of the company to staff health, welfare, safety and care. Avidity IP do the basic things very well (as an office based business), such as the office environment, facilities and ergonomics (seating, IT equipment, ergonomics). Also their policy of keeping capacity always reduces stress on employees. Some of the smaller things which are done every day include: Methodical office and kitchen cleaning, decontamination of door handles and work surfaces, thorough kitchen cleaning. Additionally the company provide annual Eye checks and care, and Flu Jabs.
An open and caring attitude of the company to staff health, welfare, safety and care. Avidity IP do the basic things very well (as an office based business), such as the office environment, facilities and ergonomics (seating, IT equipment, ergonomics). Also their policy of keeping capacity always reduces stress on employees. Some of the smaller things which are done every day include: Methodical office and kitchen cleaning, decontamination of door handles and work surfaces, thorough kitchen cleaning. Additionally the company provide annual Eye checks and care, and Flu Jabs.
Bonus based on profit performance of the firm.
Funds are matched up to £100 per employee per year and Nippon Gohsei attend Community liaison meetings.
Summary of employees benefits and salary info issued on an annual basis plus recognition bonus or gift, thank you letters, etc.
Nippon Gohsei offer the Pru Health Vitality Scheme.
Once a month, they host a Friday get together, which is organised by a trainee or newly qualified solicitor which the firm pays for. In addition, they also hold a summer party. All employees along with their partners/spouses are invited and all food and drink is free. Each year the firm also organises a pantomime, where a venue and performing theatre company are hired to present a pantomime. Clients, employees and their families are all invited. Specific teams or departments frequently go out together to celebrate a specific event whether of a personal or professional nature.
Once a month, they host a Friday get together, which is organised by a trainee or newly qualified solicitor which the firm pays for. In addition, they also hold a summer party. All employees along with their partners/spouses are invited and all food and drink is free. Each year the firm also organises a pantomime, where a venue and performing theatre company are hired to present a pantomime. Clients, employees and their families are all invited. Specific teams or departments frequently go out together to celebrate a specific event whether of a personal or professional nature.
Employees are actively encouraged to take on studies which will further their personal development and they will support this financially and/or with time. Regular cross department presentations take place to improve knowledge of expertise within teams or departments when an employee has been on a course or dealt with a particularly interesting piece of work. Email groups for personnel working on various sectors enable knowledge sharing. Non technical skills are valued and employees are encouraged to go on courses for self development and personal growth purposes. These include people management, time management and confidence building courses.
Assistance is offered via North Staffs Quit Smoking service to those who wish to stop. There are training courses for managers, self help CD available for employees to help manage stress and Cholesterol/glucose screening sessions organised for those staff who wish to have them. Additionally health information is available on the staff intranet, evoice. Health screening days are provided for osteoporosis, arterial stiffness assessment and healthy prostate is available. Lunchtime yoga classes are also offered to staff.
Progression through salary grades and additional leave linked to five years service are provided to reward staff for their efforts. In addition to this the Council also have the employee recognition scheme.
Progression through salary grades and additional leave linked to five years service are provided to reward staff for their efforts. In addition to this the Council also have the employee recognition scheme.
GAD do a number of things to ensure employees feel appreciated and that they are rewarded for their continued or outstanding efforts. For this reason the company offer employees performance related pay, a thank you from the Leader during the monthly update, an acknowledgement and thank you in team meetings, success stories are also published in the e-GAD news.
GAD offers all staff the opportunity to undergo a comprehensive medical health check which is operated by BUPA; the health check covers many things including losing weight, eating healthy and cholesterol. The company allow paid time off as part of their flexi time system to attend the appointment and repeat/follow up health checks are then offered on a regular basis dependant on the individual employee's age. GAD also operate a flexi time working policy, if an employee works more than their weekly contracted hours, this is a flexi time credit. The flexi time scheme provides for authorised time worked beyond the weekly contracted hours to be 'banked' as 'credit' and taken as time off at a later date, to suit both the employee and GAD.
GAD do a number of things to ensure employees feel appreciated and that they are rewarded for their continued or outstanding efforts. For this reason the company offer employees performance related pay, a thank you from the Leader during the monthly update, an acknowledgement and thank you in team meetings, success stories are also published in the e-GAD news.
They offer an employee health benefits package to the value of £300 which is available to all staff regardless of position in the organisation or the amount of hours they work. Employees can choose a health benefit that is suited to their needs such as smoking cessation, dental insurance and optical insurance. These benefits are reviewed annually and employee suggestions for future benefits are taken on board. To promote a healthier lifestyle employees have access to subsidised sports facilities / memberships. Servite Housing try to accommodate employee's needs and offer a wide range of flexible working conditions. Subject to service demands they offer flexi-time, staggered hours, shift swaps job shares and many more.
All of the senior management team embark upon an internal management development programme over an 18 month period. The programme covers performance management, managers role in context, one to one coaching and creativity and innovation. It is designed to build a cohesive management team and enhance the skills of their senior managers. The programme links into both the officers and assistants development programme to show the relationship between the different sets of employees and enhance day to day interaction between managers, officers and assistants. As a result of the programme all employees have the same expectations. A staff counselling scheme is available internally and externally to assist managers with their development.
They offer an employee health benefits package to the value of £300 which is available to all staff regardless of position in the organisation or the amount of hours they work. Employees can choose a health benefit that is suited to their needs such as smoking cessation, dental insurance and optical insurance. These benefits are reviewed annually and employee suggestions for future benefits are taken on board. To promote a healthier lifestyle employees have access to subsidised sports facilities / memberships. Servite Housing try to accommodate employee's needs and offer a wide range of flexible working conditions. Subject to service demands they offer flexi-time, staggered hours, shift swaps job shares and many more.
Employees well being is approached in a variety of ways. They understand that the work/life balance is important and have a Family Friendly Policy and Procedure in place which sets out provisions for various types of leave. This includes enhanced maternity, paternity and adoption allowances and the statutory right to request flexible working. They also offer childcare vouchers to assist with the cost. Managers have guidelines as to responsibilities in managing the working hours of their employees and the decision regarding payment versus time off in lieu takes place between employee and line manager. They also have guidelines on giving time back to employees and recognising when individuals work additional hours or have to spend time away from home.
Molnycke have an International Environment, Health and Safety Manager who reports to a member of the board of directors. At each manufacturing location there is also a nominated ‘green' person with responsibility for environment. They have an Environmental Policy and Action plan in place and targets are established, continuously monitored and the results disseminated both internally and externally. They are committed to good recycling practice, both in their own production and in their recommendations to customers when disposing of used products for example, if not contaminated, packaging materials such as cardboard and corrugated board can and should be recycled. At a UK level charitable initiatives include Giving Something Back which enables employees at their office location to nominate local charities or good causes for a charitable donation from the Company. Sponsorship and involvement in Pride in Oldham is how the manufacturing site supports the local community.
Molnycke have an International Environment, Health and Safety Manager who reports to a member of the board of directors. At each manufacturing location there is also a nominated ‘green' person with responsibility for environment. They have an Environmental Policy and Action plan in place and targets are established, continuously monitored and the results disseminated both internally and externally. They are committed to good recycling practice, both in their own production and in their recommendations to customers when disposing of used products for example, if not contaminated, packaging materials such as cardboard and corrugated board can and should be recycled. At a UK level charitable initiatives include Giving Something Back which enables employees at their office location to nominate local charities or good causes for a charitable donation from the Company. Sponsorship and involvement in Pride in Oldham is how the manufacturing site supports the local community.
The Leader and senior management team interact regularly with employees. All managers and directors regularly attend social events with staff by organising and attending social evenings, which involve quiz nights or bowling. All JoJo main offices are open plan and all sites are designed so that break facilities are integrated where all members of staff at different levels can interact during breaks and lunch. This encourages staff to socialise and discuss local or social events and further encourages the open door policy. The company Intranet has a section called 'Ask a director or manager a question'. This encourages employees to ask questions and make comments directly to the relevant head of department.
They take a very informal approach to looking after employee wellbeing. Although they have policies and procedures, they regularly work outside of these to ensure the wellbeing of the employees comes first. For example, they offer enhanced sickness pay, very flexible working hours and home visits as often as the employee would like. Some members of staff contact senior managers and directors outside of the normal working hours for chats of support or encouragement, a practice that is very unique to JoJo and encouraged at all times. They conduct annual audits across the company to measure any stress levels and ensure all employees are achieving a good work/life balance. Many employees have the ability to log in to their desks from home which permits them to be more flexible. Employees are encouraged to leave work on time and all holiday must be taken each year. In special circumstances employees are given additional time off for special occasions or sabbaticals. Parents are encouraged to return to work and take up part time roles and JoJo has a large proportion of part time roles which works well for parents. There are events organised throughout the year which always involve family members.
JoJo contributes to numerous small charities which are based in the local vicinity of the JoJo stores. For example, they give a Christmas gift to all the children in care in Torfean, the borough local to the head office. These presents are collected up from the design studio and the head office and generous stockings are made up from items taken from stock. The senior designer at the London Design Studio has been designated Environmental Champion for the company and has been pro-active in implementing a company policy on environmental issues, ensuring that every element of design and production takes its environmental impact into consideration. They have an informal system of monitoring their effects on the environment and are constantly striving to reduce their impact. Such attempts have included ensuring that all packaging is responsibly sourced, reducing the amount of packaging and keeping the chemicals used to a minimum. The company re-uses as many materials as possible, including packaging and bubble wrap and all paper, cardboard, plastics and cans are recycled. The company has also introduced the Government bike scheme to encourage employees to cycle to work
A Health Improvement Officer is on hand to help employees improve their wellbeing in numerous areas. The Officer occasionally arranges dedicated health weeks and is able to advise on how to stop smoking, eat healthily and lose weight. They recently had a 10% weight loss programme where members of staff attend a weekly weigh in and receive dietary advice to support them and help them achieve their goal.
A Health Improvement Officer is on hand to help employees improve their wellbeing in numerous areas. The Officer occasionally arranges dedicated health weeks and is able to advise on how to stop smoking, eat healthily and lose weight. They recently had a 10% weight loss programme where members of staff attend a weekly weigh in and receive dietary advice to support them and help them achieve their goal.
A Health Improvement Officer is on hand to help employees improve their wellbeing in numerous areas. The Officer occasionally arranges dedicated health weeks and is able to advise on how to stop smoking, eat healthily and lose weight. They recently had a 10% weight loss programme where members of staff attend a weekly weigh in and receive dietary advice to support them and help them achieve their goal.
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