What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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Charter Court Financial Services

Over the last 12 months, CCFS have rewarded employees for their efforts by providing food to celebrate key business achievements. At Christmas they provided a bottle of wine and a personalised company annual of 2018 for all staff, as well as a fully funded annual Christmas party.

Over the last 12 months, CCFS have rewarded employees for their efforts by providing food to celebrate key business achievements. At Christmas they provided a bottle of wine and a personalised company annual of 2018 for all staff, as well as a fully funded annual Christmas party.

The company aims to make a positive contribution to the community by bringing jobs to local people, supporting and encouraging employees to become involved in community activities and events, and identifying a local charitable cause to support each year.

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Centrick Property

Chairman James Ackrill hands out awards and personally recognises achievement - he recently visited every site across the business with his senior management team and personally handed out awards and cakes to the winners of the monthly recognition scheme.

The company has supported their chosen charity - Reconnected - in a number of amazing ways. Firstly, they donated a van, which was kitted out for a street homeless feeding programme, before paying for the refurbishment of the kitchen at Reconnected City Hub.

The company has supported their chosen charity - Reconnected - in a number of amazing ways. Firstly, they donated a van, which was kitted out for a street homeless feeding programme, before paying for the refurbishment of the kitchen at Reconnected City Hub.

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Cambridge Commodities Limited

Leader James interacts and engages with staff in many ways, including arranging and leading birthday singalongs in the office, involving team members in a range of exciting projects, joining the team for lunch in the kitchen area and also playing table football with different members of staff.

There is an on-site gym, which employees can use during their breaks, while the company also invests in team building events and other fun events in the workplace that help build great employee relationships.

Leader James interacts and engages with staff in many ways, including arranging and leading birthday singalongs in the office, involving team members in a range of exciting projects, joining the team for lunch in the kitchen area and also playing table football with different members of staff.

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Anthony Duerden, their Chief Executive Officer, can often be seen across their sites chatting to staff about what they're doing and getting to know them. He meets all new staff on a one-to-one basis and undertakes six and 12-month listening groups with staff.

To assist with personal growth, they developed the ‘Leader's Journey', a bespoke seven-part accredited course that teaches managers how to lead through values, develop their staff to perform at their best, and develop and grow as individuals both professionally and personally.

As part of their environmental initiatives, they are involved in an ongoing programme to install thermal insulation into a large number of our properties, helping customers to reduce heating costs.They also installed a more energy efficient air conditioning system in their head office.

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BWB Consulting

BWB are an industry leader in employee development, having received multiple awards for their learning programmes and overall approach to training. Over one-third of their people have now benefited from one of their Academy programmes - Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Chief Executive Steve Wooler runs an 'Ask Steve' email inbox, which he uses to respond personally to employees' questions. He also records and shares videos that enable him to give short, fun, more personal messages to the business.

BWB are an industry leader in employee development, having received multiple awards for their learning programmes and overall approach to training. Over one-third of their people have now benefited from one of their Academy programmes - Bronze, Silver or Gold.

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Build-A-Bear Workshop

Career Tracks is the company's in-house career progression programme, on which associates harness their key skills and competencies to become a successful leader. In addition to learning the technical and operational skills of their desired role, they also learn about their own development requirements.

All associates are encouraged to become involved in planning fun events for their team, such as potluck dinners, birthday celebrations, or charitable activities, because the company believes that a fun and engaged environment with good work/life balance will contribute to their wellbeing.

The Celebration Times is a weekly associate newsletter distributed from head office, used to celebrate associate internal promotions and guest feedback, and for associates to share pictures of fun and imaginative ways they have launched new products.

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Buckley Gray Yeoman

The company plans quarterly company-wide social events and their most popular is the Christmas party, held at a country hotel. Last year 100 team members headed to Tylney Hall Hotel and Spa, with childcare provided for the evening and goodie bags handed out on the train journey there.

They offer generous five and ten-year length of service bonuses, for all levels within the business. Since its introduction in 2013, and working alongside the annual bonus scheme, the initiative has proved a hugely attractive aspect of the rewards and benefits package.

They offer generous five and ten-year length of service bonuses, for all levels within the business. Since its introduction in 2013, and working alongside the annual bonus scheme, the initiative has proved a hugely attractive aspect of the rewards and benefits package.

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Buckles Law

There has been over 1,500 hours of training completed at Buckles, which includes both technical and non-technical elements. Several staff are being supported on professional courses such as Prince 2, ITEL, and GDPR, as well as CILEX and professional skills courses for lawyers.

There has been over 1,500 hours of training completed at Buckles, which includes both technical and non-technical elements. Several staff are being supported on professional courses such as Prince 2, ITEL, and GDPR, as well as CILEX and professional skills courses for lawyers.

There has been over 1,500 hours of training completed at Buckles, which includes both technical and non-technical elements. Several staff are being supported on professional courses such as Prince 2, ITEL, and GDPR, as well as CILEX and professional skills courses for lawyers.

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Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd.

Buckingham Group consider employee development an integral part of the business's success, offering many initiatives, including apprenticeship and trainee programmes, personal progress reviews (PPRs), NVQ support, e-learning, and leadership, operations and future forums.

Buckingham Group have a genuine flat management structure, with the senior management team taking an active, hands-on role in the day-to-day management of the business. They engage openly with staff at every level of the organisation on a daily basis.

Alongside providing competitive market salaries and benefits, Buckingham Group operate a staff bonus scheme linked directly to company profit and to personal performance. When company profits exceed the profit used for the calculated bonus payments, top-up payments are made.

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Broadland District Council

They promoted World Mental Health day by arranging a lunchtime event for staff to walk or run one mile with colleagues. This time was used to break down the stigma of talking about mental health, which was spread on social media with the hashtag ‘runandtalk'.

They have a ‘Salary Stretch' page on the intranet that brings together all benefits staff can take advantage of in one place. These benefits include salary sacrifice schemes, mobile phone discounts, physiotherapy, discounted gym membership, buying/selling annual leave and discounted childcare

They have a ‘Salary Stretch' page on the intranet that brings together all benefits staff can take advantage of in one place. These benefits include salary sacrifice schemes, mobile phone discounts, physiotherapy, discounted gym membership, buying/selling annual leave and discounted childcare

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