What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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Conversant promote sports, fitness and wellbeing by subsidising a football and tag rugby team, as well as offering yoga onsite. With a gym next door, the company contributes towards employees' membership so staff can use the facilities.

Conversant promote sports, fitness and wellbeing by subsidising a football and tag rugby team, as well as offering yoga onsite. With a gym next door, the company contributes towards employees' membership so staff can use the facilities.

Conversant promote sports, fitness and wellbeing by subsidising a football and tag rugby team, as well as offering yoga onsite. With a gym next door, the company contributes towards employees' membership so staff can use the facilities.

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Community Links

New employees get one-to-one meetings with the CEO and senior management team, and get support from a more experienced colleague. Employees are encouraged to develop leadership skills through shadowing, while the ‘25 ways to say thank you' scheme rewards staff with random gifts and team lunches.

New employees get one-to-one meetings with the CEO and senior management team, and get support from a more experienced colleague. Employees are encouraged to develop leadership skills through shadowing, while the ‘25 ways to say thank you' scheme rewards staff with random gifts and team lunches.

A birthday afternoon tea with senior managers to improve communication has bred trust and connected employees to the overall vision of the organisation. One day a month, senior management work from different sites, which increases engagement between employees and makes the senior team more approachable.

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Community Gateway Association

Their focus is on their communities, and colleagues have been involved in the development of allotments, vegetable growing schemes, wild-life gardens and Britain in Bloom. They also launched their Cleaner Greener project with the aim of promoting wellbeing and healthy living for residents.

Their focus is on their communities, and colleagues have been involved in the development of allotments, vegetable growing schemes, wild-life gardens and Britain in Bloom. They also launched their Cleaner Greener project with the aim of promoting wellbeing and healthy living for residents.

Their approach to improving team interaction and communication is to offer a wide range of opportunities, projects and teams that colleagues from across the organisation can get involved in. One example is Gateway Voice, which is their new employee forum to discuss employee-related matters.

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Communicorp UK

Communicorp UK's Leadership Academy is designed to grow managers of all levels. There are currently 30 managers enrolled on the programme working to achieve their personal development goals with the help of a sponsor.

Their ‘Personal Best' process enables employees to create a year-round plan with clear and specific goals for their role and career. They link short and mid-term goals to their learning hub and specific learning programmes to help staff achieve and succeed in their roles.

Mark Lee is a hands-on leader, moving between Communicorp UK's nine locations and attending local team meetings every week. Mark also leads a call with every manager from across the business to give an update and hear progress and priorities from all business areas.

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Cogeco Peer 1

Rather than put everyone through the same training, Cogeco Peer 1 takes a catalogue approach to address areas where an individual needs to develop. The company also focuses on providing new and potential managers with the help they need to make the transition.

All employees are empowered to make recommendations at any time. If an idea is developed and put into action, the employee will often be part of the team to implement this. A monthly “Captain's Table” lunch provides 10 employees with a confidential, open forum in which to speak with the General Manager.

All employees are empowered to make recommendations at any time. If an idea is developed and put into action, the employee will often be part of the team to implement this. A monthly “Captain's Table” lunch provides 10 employees with a confidential, open forum in which to speak with the General Manager.

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Codeweavers Limited

Codeweavers have an annual “away day”, booking a local hotel for the day to host various team-building activities. The day includes a company update, which is entirely transparent in relation to financial performance and reiterates the mission and values of the company.

Workshops are held to encourage employees to share their work problems, and feedback is used to solve workplace issues or help individuals. Large projects are split into minimum marketable features so developers are not overwhelmed, which helps to avoid stress.

Codeweavers have an annual “away day”, booking a local hotel for the day to host various team-building activities. The day includes a company update, which is entirely transparent in relation to financial performance and reiterates the mission and values of the company.

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Cloud IQ

Cloud.IQ want to hit their targets in the right way. That means going the extra mile for customers and creating an open, collaborative and progressive culture. The company asks employees, partners and customers to judge them against these values.

Employees get their birthday off and also benefit from unlimited drinks and fruit, Thursday night drinks and a bar area with a pool table. There's a nap room, stand-up desks and a healthy cafe. Managers ask about the wellbeing of their team and workload is monitored.

Cloud.IQ want to hit their targets in the right way. That means going the extra mile for customers and creating an open, collaborative and progressive culture. The company asks employees, partners and customers to judge them against these values.

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Employees are measured against CIM's values of being collaborative, passionate, purposeful, relevant and responsible. The CIM introduced a Question Time-style format, so staff can question a panel on business performance and progress. CEO Chris Daly sits with staff at lunch to hear their views.

Employees are measured against CIM's values of being collaborative, passionate, purposeful, relevant and responsible. The CIM introduced a Question Time-style format, so staff can question a panel on business performance and progress. CEO Chris Daly sits with staff at lunch to hear their views.

The Management Fundamentals programme has six modules, covering people management, performance management, leading change and managing as a coach. CIM have also introduced a programme of continuous management that links organisational strategy and goals to personal objectives.

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Chattertons raise money for their charity of the year through a variety of means. For example, some members of the team took part in the Viking Way Challenge in Lincolnshire, while others have supported local schools with their careers days.

Chattertons raise money for their charity of the year through a variety of means. For example, some members of the team took part in the Viking Way Challenge in Lincolnshire, while others have supported local schools with their careers days.

Chattertons raise money for their charity of the year through a variety of means. For example, some members of the team took part in the Viking Way Challenge in Lincolnshire, while others have supported local schools with their careers days.

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Chase de Vere IFA Group Plc

With employees commuting from as far as Huddersfield and Halifax, at peak times it can cause horrendous issues getting to work. Staff have the opportunity to work flexibly to avoid congestion, which has had a really positive impact on wellbeing.

The company support employees in all areas of their professional and personal development by providing an intensive and structured programme that covers all facets of the advice process. This includes sales/service initiatives, client-facing soft skills, technical knowledge and business quality.

With the independent financial sector being extremely competitive, advisers are given the option of choosing which contract they prefer to work under based on their individual circumstances. Options include the ‘Employed Contract' and the ‘Variable Contract'.

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