My Company - The level of engagement employees feel with their job and organisation
My Company is what we call an ‘output’ factor, it focuses on people’s ‘love’ and ‘pride’ in working for your organisation.
Now unfortunately you can’t directly make people feel these emotions, but when all of the other seven factors are doing well, people will be far more likely to experience that love and pride ultimately improving the My Company factor as a result.
All managers are given annual performance reviews, including 360-degree reviews for senior leadership. The leaders also have regular one-on-one meetings with their direct manager at least bi-weekly to discuss ongoing performance and address any issues.
The mission of the business is communicated on a regular basis, through references - i.e. in peer bonuses - storytelling and repetition. This is an integral part of the business and affects every decision made.
All managers are given annual performance reviews, including 360-degree reviews for senior leadership. The leaders also have regular one-on-one meetings with their direct manager at least bi-weekly to discuss ongoing performance and address any issues.
Defaqto run their Animal Awards, where each director can rewards one or more people in their department each quarter with vouchers, a cuddly animal on their desk and a reserved parking space right by the building.
Defaqto run their Animal Awards, where each director can rewards one or more people in their department each quarter with vouchers, a cuddly animal on their desk and a reserved parking space right by the building.
Defaqto run their Animal Awards, where each director can rewards one or more people in their department each quarter with vouchers, a cuddly animal on their desk and a reserved parking space right by the building.
David Nieper encourages wellbeing and environmental health through their walk to work incentive scheme. Additionally, rainwater is harvested, solar panels are installed on all buildings and supplies are sourced as locally as possible.
David Nieper encourages wellbeing and environmental health through their walk to work incentive scheme. Additionally, rainwater is harvested, solar panels are installed on all buildings and supplies are sourced as locally as possible.
David Nieper encourages wellbeing and environmental health through their walk to work incentive scheme. Additionally, rainwater is harvested, solar panels are installed on all buildings and supplies are sourced as locally as possible.
To monitor engagement levels on a weekly basis, the introduction of charity, fun and wellness groups has given employees the chance to take part in something that has a big impact on their engagement levels at work.
Datto actively support a range of charities through company fundraising initiatives, which have included a charity car wash, raffles, sporting activities, and much more.
Employees are able to submit recognition shout-outs to other employees, which are then displayed on the internal intranet page. Each year, one winner is chosen to receive a bonus and a trip to the annual conference in America.
Managers are offered regular tutoring and coaching so that they can continue their development, and performance is reviewed on a monthly basis.
Various exercise groups have formed within the organisation and the staff lead a ‘Biggest Loser' competition, which is always well-subscribed to on a quarterly basis. The company also offers free massages to employees.
Creditsafe recently held an 'It's a Knockout' tournament for the staff, where the company was closed for an afternoon. This gave employees chance to engage with other members of staff that they may not speak to through the course of their normal day.
To ensure the wellbeing of employees, Content and Code hire a massage therapist to come into the office every three weeks. Team members are also encouraged to talk to their line managers, who make sure they have regular one-to-ones with their team members.
As part of learning and development incentives, Content and Code award cash bonuses to employees who successfully complete Microsoft Competency exams.
To ensure the wellbeing of employees, Content and Code hire a massage therapist to come into the office every three weeks. Team members are also encouraged to talk to their line managers, who make sure they have regular one-to-ones with their team members.
Lunch and Learn sessions are run not just by the in-house formal trainers, but by anybody who has had success with a particular client, initiative, campaign or activity - they are invited to run a short, ten-minute overview session for the rest of the business to promote best practice.
Incentive trips and monthly, quarterly and half yearly achievers awards are run alongside bonus and commission incentive schemes. These include exchange trips with the US office in Los Angeles and other fully expensed trips abroad.
Lunch and Learn sessions are run not just by the in-house formal trainers, but by anybody who has had success with a particular client, initiative, campaign or activity - they are invited to run a short, ten-minute overview session for the rest of the business to promote best practice.
The company operates an annual appraisal scheme that assesses managers against core competencies. They also operate a management development programme where managers receive training on employee recognition, providing feedback and employee engagement.
To support the wider community, Coastline Housing offer a range of grants up to £1,500 for local projects, groups and individual customers. Over the past year, they have granted awards for school playground enhancements, sports equipment and high-visibility jackets for community volunteers.
To support the wider community, Coastline Housing offer a range of grants up to £1,500 for local projects, groups and individual customers. Over the past year, they have granted awards for school playground enhancements, sports equipment and high-visibility jackets for community volunteers.
The company's e-learning system forms a key role in how health and safety training is delivered to employees. OLAS is an online learning and assessment system that helps the allocation of regular training and awareness throughout the organisation while also being able to track progress and results.
The company's e-learning system forms a key role in how health and safety training is delivered to employees. OLAS is an online learning and assessment system that helps the allocation of regular training and awareness throughout the organisation while also being able to track progress and results.
The company's e-learning system forms a key role in how health and safety training is delivered to employees. OLAS is an online learning and assessment system that helps the allocation of regular training and awareness throughout the organisation while also being able to track progress and results.
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