What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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The company's values are Authenticity, Restless Minds, Purpose and Collaboration. These values are lived, not just laminated, and promoted across the business. Monthly meetings reinforce the values and highlight key examples where staff have demonstrated them.

ROAST encourage employees to stay fit and subsidise gym memberships to one of London's top gyms, with access to all Nuffield's gym facilities, swimming pools, multiple sites, regular health MOT tests and a free personal trainer session. There's a softball league in summer.

ROAST wanted to build a people-focused business. To help with this, they created ROAST Houses. Each member of the founding team is a House Captain, with people placed in Gravy, Stuffing, Horseradish, Mash or Cauliflower Cheese. This offers a deeper level of support.

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Return on Investment Ltd

Recently, the entire Gaydon office took part in a day's volunteering at a local National Trust venue where they constructed play equipment from natural materials. All sites get involved with national fundraising activities including Children in Need, Macmillan coffee mornings and St Luke's Hospice.

CEO Nigel uses quarterly company meetings to update all staff on company developments, new initiatives and future plans. He also regularly contributes to the weekly 'Despatches' company newsletter. He makes it clear that anyone can contact him directly.

CEO Nigel uses quarterly company meetings to update all staff on company developments, new initiatives and future plans. He also regularly contributes to the weekly 'Despatches' company newsletter. He makes it clear that anyone can contact him directly.

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Remploy Limited

The Ignite Performance framework focuses on an employee's job role, objective and behaviours. It's a colleague-run process with managers offering support through bi-yearly meetings and monthly one-to-ones, allowing the employee to measure and acknowledge their current performance and work with their managers to improve.

The Ignite Performance framework focuses on an employee's job role, objective and behaviours. It's a colleague-run process with managers offering support through bi-yearly meetings and monthly one-to-ones, allowing the employee to measure and acknowledge their current performance and work with their managers to improve.

Colleagues are actively involved in shaping Remploy through the Employee Benefits Trust (EBT), the elected ownership council. They use Google Communities for employees to share best practice and have a magazine (Talkability) to keep everyone abreast of developments.

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Reliance acsn

An initiative called Bigger Picture Training invited a selection of employees to discuss the security industry. A question was displayed and everyone had to find someone new to interact with. The discussion continued until the background jazz stopped.

The team works shifts, but they do this at home so they help their work/life balance and don't lose travel time. Reliance are a family-friendly firm and try to offer as much flexible working as possible.

The team works shifts, but they do this at home so they help their work/life balance and don't lose travel time. Reliance are a family-friendly firm and try to offer as much flexible working as possible.

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Redington Ltd

There's a cycle-to-work scheme and Redington use black-and-white, double-sided printing. They upgrade their PCs every three years and have introduced flexible working. RedSTART is the firm's own charity dedicated to financial education.

There's a cycle-to-work scheme and Redington use black-and-white, double-sided printing. They upgrade their PCs every three years and have introduced flexible working. RedSTART is the firm's own charity dedicated to financial education.

Mitesh fosters an atmosphere of open communication. The firm keeps employees involved in decision-making. There are New-Joiner Breakfasts, one-to-one catch ups and lunches. He does floor-walks in the open-plan office and is always available for discussion.

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Leaders get on-demand resources to support their management development. Content includes: Change Management, Leading Dispersed Teams and Gallup StrengthsFinder. They're delivered through online, virtual or classroom training or through articles, tools and job aids on an online portal.

RackFest celebrated a successful first half of 2017 - a mini music festival, with dancing, a hippy zone, games, live music, face-painting and free food and drinks. They also celebrated the International Systems Administrators Appreciation Day with paintballing in the firm's multi-storey car park.

Rackspace continued their certification to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) covering most of the UK operation and installed new, more energy-efficient chiller units. The London team are moving offices, repurposing old furniture and offering surplus equipment to Rackers in exchange for a charity donation.

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A training group includes members from all disciplines. They update a schedule that Quod employees have access to for any training requirements, reviewed monthly. This has improved the amount of training the company can provide as it's easier to book courses.

Quarterly bonuses are awarded to all employees based on team performance and company profit. Though these bonuses are not guaranteed and are at Directors' discretion, they are an effective reward for hard work.

Quarterly bonuses are awarded to all employees based on team performance and company profit. Though these bonuses are not guaranteed and are at Directors' discretion, they are an effective reward for hard work.

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QA Ltd

Each manager is given an induction guide prior to new starters joining with a list of introductory activites to help ease them into the department and organisation.

QA's 'Town Halls' are a well-received activity from employees where the Executive team travel across different sites to deliver company updates, talk to staff and respond to questions or comments.

QA's portfolio of training is vast and staff receive at least 3 days of training per year on any of the courses available. Employees can opt to give one of the three days to a friend or family member if they do not use their allowance.

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Pure Gym LTD

When new values were introduced, the company asked for 'culture champions' from each business area to bring them to life. Competitions, games and fun followed, with great examples of the right behaviours being rewarded.

When new values were introduced, the company asked for 'culture champions' from each business area to bring them to life. Competitions, games and fun followed, with great examples of the right behaviours being rewarded.

Managers' performance is measured against appraisals bi-yearly, with a one-to-one held weekly and bi-monthly, and KPIs on a monthly basis. The Kaizen League is also a measurement tool monitored on a quarterly basis.

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