Open GI

To be both the Technology Partner and Employer of Choice to the UK General Insurance market.
Hidden mission statement

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

Open GI, a leading insurance software company, says it cares about the person behind the employee. It recognises that having a fulfilled employee who is supported to flourish is better for the individual, the team, the organisation and beyond.

The Worcestershire-based company also has offices in offices in Winchester and Milton Keynes in the UK, along with Krakow, in Poland, and Skopje, in north Macedonia. Its employees are at the heart of Open GI's success and they feature strongly in its mission to become the technology partner and employer of choice for the general insurance market.

Open GI is committed to creating a more rewarding environment. Monthly livestreams, lead by chief executive Simon Badley, focus on the common purpose, as well as exploring learnings and celebrating successes. Strong collaborative partnerships are created between colleagues and teams and they are encouraged through cross-functional working groups and social interactions.

As a result of employee feedback, the company has introduced more flexible working practices. The Open Ways of Working policy enables managers to work with employees to determine hybrid working policies that work most effectively in their respective teams. It also empowers teams and individuals to seek out the best way of interacting with their customer group, which has resulted in several new inter-departmental working groups forming.

Feedback shows that this increased choice and flexibility demonstrates that the company trusts employees to be accountable for their work, is considerate of their work-life balance and shows its commitment to becoming a more sustainable organisation.

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Open GI

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Featured Workplace Factors

Personal Growth

67% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

Open GI champions a blended learning approach. It believes development happens in everyday interactions, not just through formal learning. Employees are encouraged to be insightful and make the most of every opportunity. The company’s personal growth resources include webinars and podcasts, as well as a wide range of content on its learning management system.


81% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Wellbeing initiatives have continued to take place as part of a calendar of events. There have been initiatives centring around blood pressure, grief and loss, ADHD and Mental Health Awareness Week, amongst other important issues. There have also been improvements to the wellbeing section on the company intranet.

Giving Something Back

62% of staff agreed

This organisation has a strong social conscience

The company hosted a "sustainability day" to raise awareness about how employees can be more eco-friendly, inside and outside work. During the event, Open GI launched its electric vehicle and hybrid car leasing scheme, through which employees can buy an EV or hybrid vehicle at a reduced price through salary sacrifice.

Personal Growth

67% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

Open GI champions a blended learning approach. It believes development happens in everyday interactions, not just through formal learning. Employees are encouraged to be insightful and make the most of every opportunity. The company’s personal growth resources include webinars and podcasts, as well as a wide range of content on its learning management system.


81% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Wellbeing initiatives have continued to take place as part of a calendar of events. There have been initiatives centring around blood pressure, grief and loss, ADHD and Mental Health Awareness Week, amongst other important issues. There have also been improvements to the wellbeing section on the company intranet.

Personal Growth

67% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

Open GI champions a blended learning approach. It believes development happens in everyday interactions, not just through formal learning. Employees are encouraged to be insightful and make the most of every opportunity. The company’s personal growth resources include webinars and podcasts, as well as a wide range of content on its learning management system.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
69% : 31%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...
Your time at work is a precious thing and we want it to be as fulfilling as possible for our employees. We are continually striving to develop a high trust, highly collaborative environment, where each individual has fun learning and growing. High levels of employee engagement are key to us achieving our collective goals.

Simon Badley, Group CEO


Long Service

Companies where at least 40% of the staff have worked there for more than five years.

Latest Achievements

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