
We help over 24,000 people stay well each year, help them regain control of their lives, providing hope and a sense of purpose through our services.
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Chief executive of n-compass Teresa Jennings says the health and social care charity works hard at nurturing a vibrant and energetic culture, and is passionate about staff wellbeing.

Last year, the organisation paid staff a generous cost-of-living allowance and agreed with the outcomes of a job-benchmarking exercise, which resulted in a £200,000 investment in pay.

It also placed emphasis on giving back to the community and encouraged staff to raise money for its chosen charity Leave a Light On, a community-support organisation based in Carlisle that helps people out in times of need. The initiative led to staff organising novel and fun activities.

Staff at n-compass deliver more than £6.3m worth of aid, such as providing carers, along with advocacy, wellbeing, counselling and volunteering. The charity helps people to stay well by supporting them to regain control of their lives, providing hope and a sense of purpose.

It is based in the north of England and its reach extends from Cumbria to Staffordshire, encompassing services in Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Lancashire.

n-Compass places people at the centre of everything it dose. It has been building a healthy workplace culture for years — one that not only puts its services-users at the heart of everything it does, but also its staff. It challenges and supports them to reach their full potential.

The charity offers a host of benefits, including family-friendly policies that give paid leave to those with caring responsibilities.

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Team

93% of staff agreed

People in my team go out of their way to help me

Weekly team huddles focus on employee wellbeing, rather than performance or information sharing. Team away-days, which take place in neutral community venues, are supportive events where people feel valued. Cross-service training and working groups facilitate the mixing of staff across the charity, so that they can share experiences.

Fair Deal

70% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

The charity operates a buy-and-sell policy for annual leave. It offers flexible working, such as compressed hours, as well as hybrid working, to promote a good work-life balance. There is an employee assistance programme, a probate helpline and health cash plan. Bereavement counselling is also on offer.

Giving Something Back

92% of staff agreed

My organisation encourages charitable activities

As well as charity fund-raising, n-Compass works with community organisations, taking part in forums, such as Rochdale and District Disability Action Group, to address local issues. It also collaborates on projects, including Bury Stepping Out, and engages with hard-to-reach groups such as local mosques and Bury Asian Women’s Women’s Centre.

My Team

93% of staff agreed

People in my team go out of their way to help me

Weekly team huddles focus on employee wellbeing, rather than performance or information sharing. Team away-days, which take place in neutral community venues, are supportive events where people feel valued. Cross-service training and working groups facilitate the mixing of staff across the charity, so that they can share experiences.

Fair Deal

70% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

The charity operates a buy-and-sell policy for annual leave. It offers flexible working, such as compressed hours, as well as hybrid working, to promote a good work-life balance. There is an employee assistance programme, a probate helpline and health cash plan. Bereavement counselling is also on offer.

My Team

93% of staff agreed

People in my team go out of their way to help me

Weekly team huddles focus on employee wellbeing, rather than performance or information sharing. Team away-days, which take place in neutral community venues, are supportive events where people feel valued. Cross-service training and working groups facilitate the mixing of staff across the charity, so that they can share experiences.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
15% : 85%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...

As a leader my role is to create the right conditions for success. For me having a healthy workplace culture is absolutely at the core of our future success and growth. We are committed to continuous improvement in this area and this commitment is from the Board down. I consider myself as the Chief Engagement Officer (CEO) on this journey and I am personally invested in wanting n-compass to remain a great place to work.

Teresa Jennings, Chief Executive - n-compass



Companies that provide support to all employees for non-work related training.

Gym / Sports

Companies offering free or subsidised sports facilities / activities / gym memberships to all employees.


Companies offering school hours contracts to all staff.

Private Healthcare

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Women in Senior Management

At least 40% of senior managers are women.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

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