Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For
Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For
Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For
Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For
Officially a World Class
Company to Work For
Officially a World Class
Company to Work For
Officially a Good
Company to Work For
Officially a Good
Company to Work For
Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For
Officially a Good
Company to Work For
I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation
BMS introduced a number of new Well Being initiatives in 2012 and these included the subsidised funding of a well being activity and an annual health assessment. The comprehensive health assessments were held on site and each employee received a personalised health report giving the overall status of their well being and advice and recommendations on appropriate individual health targets and ways to maintain or improve their health. Both options were well received and take up was higher than anticipated. The activity funding was attractive because it allows individuals to do an activity of their personal choice rather than being limited to gym-based options and the health assessment was attractive because it was convenient to schedule in a welcoming environment and only took an hour out of the employee's day.
My team is fun to work with
Managers undertake a formal bi yearly review and have regular performance conversations to ensure that the objectives remain specific, realistic and achievable based on the individual team members' roles. These formal reviews are documented and completion is reported to the BMS Group Board. BMS performance management process includes the setting of SMART objectives to ensure that what is expected from their employees is realistic and achievable. The completion of these objectives is linked to the bonus reward to recognise those that have performed well.
I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me
BMS introduced a number of new Well Being initiatives in 2012 and these included the subsidised funding of a well being activity and an annual health assessment. The comprehensive health assessments were held on site and each employee received a personalised health report giving the overall status of their well being and advice and recommendations on appropriate individual health targets and ways to maintain or improve their health. Both options were well received and take up was higher than anticipated. The activity funding was attractive because it allows individuals to do an activity of their personal choice rather than being limited to gym-based options and the health assessment was attractive because it was convenient to schedule in a welcoming environment and only took an hour out of the employee's day.
I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation
BMS introduced a number of new Well Being initiatives in 2012 and these included the subsidised funding of a well being activity and an annual health assessment. The comprehensive health assessments were held on site and each employee received a personalised health report giving the overall status of their well being and advice and recommendations on appropriate individual health targets and ways to maintain or improve their health. Both options were well received and take up was higher than anticipated. The activity funding was attractive because it allows individuals to do an activity of their personal choice rather than being limited to gym-based options and the health assessment was attractive because it was convenient to schedule in a welcoming environment and only took an hour out of the employee's day.
My team is fun to work with
Managers undertake a formal bi yearly review and have regular performance conversations to ensure that the objectives remain specific, realistic and achievable based on the individual team members' roles. These formal reviews are documented and completion is reported to the BMS Group Board. BMS performance management process includes the setting of SMART objectives to ensure that what is expected from their employees is realistic and achievable. The completion of these objectives is linked to the bonus reward to recognise those that have performed well.
I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation
BMS introduced a number of new Well Being initiatives in 2012 and these included the subsidised funding of a well being activity and an annual health assessment. The comprehensive health assessments were held on site and each employee received a personalised health report giving the overall status of their well being and advice and recommendations on appropriate individual health targets and ways to maintain or improve their health. Both options were well received and take up was higher than anticipated. The activity funding was attractive because it allows individuals to do an activity of their personal choice rather than being limited to gym-based options and the health assessment was attractive because it was convenient to schedule in a welcoming environment and only took an hour out of the employee's day.
Companies offering a minimum of 26 days annual leave to all employees.
Companies where at least 40% of the staff have worked there for more than five years.
Companies offering at least 10 weeks’ full pay or generous alternative.
Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.
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Ones to Watch
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BMS Group