My Company - The level of engagement employees feel with their job and organisation
My Company is what we call an ‘output’ factor, it focuses on people’s ‘love’ and ‘pride’ in working for your organisation.
Now unfortunately you can’t directly make people feel these emotions, but when all of the other seven factors are doing well, people will be far more likely to experience that love and pride ultimately improving the My Company factor as a result.
There's a team-building session on the last Thursday of every month, such as bowling, Octoberfest celebrations, food and drinks at various locations, and comedy nights. Everyone can work from home and holidays can be bought and sold.
One of the behavioural traits is to 'talk first, email second' to improve interaction within the agency. The agency advocates face-to-face interaction, although there's an email group called 'fun' for informal communication on work emails.
MC&C develop their support staff within their specialist fields. Finance staff get full study support towards professional qualifications. This has meant increased financial knowledge across the team, which means senior team members are less involved in day-to-day tasks.
For people development, Majestic Wine Warehouses collaboratively share best-practice. For retail teams, they've moved away from sales-based targets to KPIs, to recognise, develop and reward behavioural qualities in people that directly link to customer engagement.
For people development, Majestic Wine Warehouses collaboratively share best-practice. For retail teams, they've moved away from sales-based targets to KPIs, to recognise, develop and reward behavioural qualities in people that directly link to customer engagement.
For people development, Majestic Wine Warehouses collaboratively share best-practice. For retail teams, they've moved away from sales-based targets to KPIs, to recognise, develop and reward behavioural qualities in people that directly link to customer engagement.
The firm has a CSR working committee. They've introduced LED lights into stores and signed up with Eco-tricity to buy green energy for all eligible shops. They're also members of SEDEX, which shares ethical supply-chain data.
The firm has a CSR working committee. They've introduced LED lights into stores and signed up with Eco-tricity to buy green energy for all eligible shops. They're also members of SEDEX, which shares ethical supply-chain data.
The leadership team are formally measured twice a year against entrepreneurship and teamwork. They also have an initiative offering further clarity on brand priorities and culture, 'Senses and Culture', which includes detail on their three brand priorities and the key words that represent the shared values.
In 2016, the firm launched the Epic University of WoW, a comprehensive development programme equipping lawyers with the technical knowledge and business skills they need to perform at the highest level and provide excellent client service.
In 2016, the firm launched the Epic University of WoW, a comprehensive development programme equipping lawyers with the technical knowledge and business skills they need to perform at the highest level and provide excellent client service.
The company minimises its environmental impact by continually reviewing and improving energy efficiency, recycling and waste management. The firm has bees on the roof and teaches disadvantaged young people about enterprise and beekeeping.
The K-West have a long partnership with the Foodbank charity in Shepherds Bush. The company organises food collections and volunteers locally. They also work with the Masbro community centre, with offer vouchers for fundraising and work placement for their youth programmes.
The K-West have a long partnership with the Foodbank charity in Shepherds Bush. The company organises food collections and volunteers locally. They also work with the Masbro community centre, with offer vouchers for fundraising and work placement for their youth programmes.
The senior management team takes part in six management-development workshops a year, delivered by an external coach. They also get a one-hour individual session with the coach, exploring weaknesses and training needs. This has proved to be very effective.
Keytree work with PlanZ Heroes, a food-waste charity. Keytree funds the work on a pro-bono basis, with an investment of over £200,000. Each October, they join in the Wok for 1,000, cooking and distributing 1,000 meals to London's homeless.
There are quarterly all-company update meetings - where employees communicate the primary purpose and core values. Each meeting is run by six different projects, producing live demonstrations of current solutions, followed by an open Q&A session.
Teams often feel closely bonded after working together, often on client site for many weeks with intense periods of effort. Each project manager can take the team out for the evening on a spontaneous basis. This allows instant reward and recognition for work well done.
Kantar provide coaching, mentoring and support for all managers, plus a range of drop-in sessions each week for bitesize learning opportunities. The Accelerator programme rotates talented employees across five areas for five months, one week at a time.
CEO Will Galgey is a genuinely very accessible and present leader in the office. He's improved the business' culture, with a more open structure, town-hall meetings, welcome meetings for new staff, and lunches with newly promoted staff. He personally mentors high-potential employees.
CEO Will Galgey is a genuinely very accessible and present leader in the office. He's improved the business' culture, with a more open structure, town-hall meetings, welcome meetings for new staff, and lunches with newly promoted staff. He personally mentors high-potential employees.
The company interacts with the community to clean up local areas and support their selected charity in preparing for Christmas and other key functions. Raising money for selected charities includes bake-off competitions, summer fun days, selling raffle prizes and volunteering time.
The company interacts with the community to clean up local areas and support their selected charity in preparing for Christmas and other key functions. Raising money for selected charities includes bake-off competitions, summer fun days, selling raffle prizes and volunteering time.
The firm believes in collaboration, leading to many breakthroughs, from medical miracles to simple consumer products that make every day a little better. The 125,000 employees in 60 countries are united in a common mission: to help people everywhere live longer, healthier, happier lives.
Tools such as Slack and WhatsApp have proliferated but ‘Jack' encourages teams to speak to each other face-to-face. At Amber Lakes in Berkshire, the company summer party comprised dragon-boat racing, a barbecue and bar with outdoor games.
The agency works with Hand In Hand For Syria and Making The Leap, helping disadvantaged young people get into work. They work also with Commercial Break, giving urban adults opportunities in the creative industries.
The agency is founded on passion, respect and agility. They derive joy and satisfaction from the effect they have on audiences, respect clients, audiences and brands, and move quickly to ensure their value to clients positions them as industry leaders.
Managers' performance is assessed by their effectiveness in managerial tasks, teamwork, distributing work and delegation. This is documented by an online performance-management system recording monthly on-to-one meetings, and six-monthly and annual appraisals.
A volunteer scheme encourages employees to spend four hours per month at a charity. A match-funding initiative means £10,000 is available to match individual employee fundraising each year.
Managers' performance is assessed by their effectiveness in managerial tasks, teamwork, distributing work and delegation. This is documented by an online performance-management system recording monthly on-to-one meetings, and six-monthly and annual appraisals.
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