What are companies doing with regards to 'My Company'

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Jaywing Contact

The organisation partners with Involve, Swindon and has completed two community projects. One included volunteering at a local school, where the team helped to get the school clean and tidy at the end of one term and ready for the next.

Managing Director Chris Hancock makes himself available to speak to any individual, an approach he encourages his management team to support. In case some individuals aren't confident in approaching Chris at his desk, each Friday he takes a walk around the contact centre floor to speak with employees.

The organisation partners with Involve, Swindon and has completed two community projects. One included volunteering at a local school, where the team helped to get the school clean and tidy at the end of one term and ready for the next.

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Jane Lewis Healthcare

Becky operates an open-door policy and is very approachable to all levels of staff. She is very much the face of Jane Lewis and took time out for their Nurses' Day celebrations to personally thank nurses at the company for their hard work and ongoing commitment.

Becky operates an open-door policy and is very approachable to all levels of staff. She is very much the face of Jane Lewis and took time out for their Nurses' Day celebrations to personally thank nurses at the company for their hard work and ongoing commitment.

Becky operates an open-door policy and is very approachable to all levels of staff. She is very much the face of Jane Lewis and took time out for their Nurses' Day celebrations to personally thank nurses at the company for their hard work and ongoing commitment.

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Jenny McLean, itison's sales director, rose through the ranks at lightning speed and became one of Scotland's youngest ever company directors when she was promoted - proof that age is no barrier to advancement with itison.

Jenny McLean, itison's sales director, rose through the ranks at lightning speed and became one of Scotland's youngest ever company directors when she was promoted - proof that age is no barrier to advancement with itison.

Since 2014, itison have raised more than £1 million for homeless charity Social Bite, which provides hot meals and employment opportunities for the homeless. itison also supported the charity's Sleep in the Park initiative for the second year running.

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Intermarketing Agency

Intermarketing run a TAP academy, which was designed to upskill employees who have worked in the agency sector for less than five years to develop their careers for the future by broadening their exposure to all aspects of agency life.

Intermarketing's annual Make it Happen Day brings the agency together for a day of fast-paced creative problem solving. This year, all staff were challenged to “be brave, go bold and think big” in their approach to tackling creative briefs for major brands.

As well as a strategic business plan, the organisation produces and publishes an agency plan of attack, which is a commitment to making them the best in the world and the best place to work. Progress updates are provided twice each year at company updates.

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Incremental Group

Employees at Incremental Group are rewarded with vouchers throughout the year based on their performances and success within the company.

Employees are actively encouraged to pursue a number of community/fundraising projects. As such, recommendations are welcome for charitable causes, with support given to Alzheimer's Research UK and Comic Relief as well as smaller, more personal charities.

Employees are actively encouraged to pursue a number of community/fundraising projects. As such, recommendations are welcome for charitable causes, with support given to Alzheimer's Research UK and Comic Relief as well as smaller, more personal charities.

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Hydrogen Group

In May 2018, Hydrogen selected top performing members of staff to attend an all-expenses paid trip to Hvar, Croatia. On top of this, they run quarterly lunches for those who are found to have gone the extra mile in the previous period.

Hydrogen have created a learning culture where all levels of staff receive tailored training. This includes internal training delivery, as well as utilising external facilitators for specific niche areas. A mentoring programme is also offered throughout the business.

In May 2018, Hydrogen selected top performing members of staff to attend an all-expenses paid trip to Hvar, Croatia. On top of this, they run quarterly lunches for those who are found to have gone the extra mile in the previous period.

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Hopwood Hall College

They sponsor employees to undertake formal qualifications each year that will develop them in their roles. They also provide qualification loans for those who wish to study qualifications outside of their work remit. In-house training such as safeguarding sessions are also available.

They sponsor employees to undertake formal qualifications each year that will develop them in their roles. They also provide qualification loans for those who wish to study qualifications outside of their work remit. In-house training such as safeguarding sessions are also available.

They host an annual community fun day where they open their facilities and resources to provide a free fun day out for the community, local groups and charities. They also host school trips to pantomimes among many other voluntary activities with local schools.

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Homes in Sedgemoor Ltd

After a review in 2016, Homes in Sedgemoor divided the area into a series of neighbourhoods and set up mini teams for each. They now support activities there, such as resident-engagement events, partnership working and neighbourhood walks.

As part of the transformation agenda, spending on learning and development is at least 1% of turnover. There's a robust Leadership Development Programme and a Customers First programme designed to help staff understand the customer perspective and their responses.

After a review in 2016, Homes in Sedgemoor divided the area into a series of neighbourhoods and set up mini teams for each. They now support activities there, such as resident-engagement events, partnership working and neighbourhood walks.

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Heathrow Airport Ltd

They have held two main events over the last 12 months, one being Race the Plane and the other being Heathrow's midnight marathon. Their efforts helped to raise more than £100,000 for charitable causes and included participants from all departments across the airport.

They have held two main events over the last 12 months, one being Race the Plane and the other being Heathrow's midnight marathon. Their efforts helped to raise more than £100,000 for charitable causes and included participants from all departments across the airport.

They have held two main events over the last 12 months, one being Race the Plane and the other being Heathrow's midnight marathon. Their efforts helped to raise more than £100,000 for charitable causes and included participants from all departments across the airport.

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Health Shield Friendly Society Limited

Success at the organisation means building good relationships and cultivating shared values. An annual Health Shield Day offers fun challenges, such as a Formula 1 challenge, trips to Alton Towers and the Crystal Maze. Social events include bake-offs, pub quizzes and fancy dress.

Each manager nominates employees from their department for a merit award each year. These are people who've gone the extra mile, for example staff who took on additional responsibilities or whose roles were extended. In 2018, this equated to a 7.5% salary increase.

Success at the organisation means building good relationships and cultivating shared values. An annual Health Shield Day offers fun challenges, such as a Formula 1 challenge, trips to Alton Towers and the Crystal Maze. Social events include bake-offs, pub quizzes and fancy dress.

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