St Jude Medical UK Ltd

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Officially a World Class
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St Jude Medical UK Ltd

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Featured Workplace Factors

Personal Growth

94% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

The St Jude Medical Employee Forum has been established for 18 months as a vehicle for staff and management to have an open discussion on any topic that has an effect on the business and personnel. The Forum membership is represented by every area of the business and the members actively seek topics to raise at bi-monthly meetings. The company also have informal surveys which are issued to solicit anonymous feedback on specific matters or events for consideration and implementation of initiatives, which have been beneficial to SJM. In addition, all staff are encouraged to raise issues and discuss with managers as well as colleagues, the employee forum rep or mentor. By relocating everyone to completely unfamiliar and unusual surroundings, the SJM office staff were invited on a boating experience day to discuss the way the office is branded and perceived, how individually and collectively they work and how things could improve. Fresh, open and honest discussions were had, an alternative mission for the office staff was agreed upon.

My Company

93% of staff agreed

My work is an important part of my life

The cornerstone of employee engagement is ensuring outstanding contribution and performance are recognised by the Company. The annual Staff Awards are one formal way in which St Jude Medical rewards superb achievements. There are 8 award categories nominated by employees, including the coveted Managing Director's Award, ultimately decided by the Country Manager. This award in particular recognises an individual who has made an exceptional impact on the business. A letter, cheque and trophy are presented to all winners – and a winner's plaque erected in Capulet House. Following a day's team-building activity, last year's awards ceremony was held at the Celtic Manor hotel in Newport and was attended by the winners, runners-up and the management team.

Giving Something Back

88% of staff agreed

My organisation encourages charitable activities

St Jude Medical UK Ltd supports employee development by their Performance Development Review (PDR) process. They have two PDRs each year – one mid-year and one at year-end. The aim of these are for the employee and their line manager to discuss the achievement of objectives, establish new goals moving forward and openly address career aspirations. As part of the company's effort to continuously improve processes, they recently tasked a working party with the responsibility of revamping the PDR documentation. They maintain the company's five key performance factors (Customer Focus, Delivers Results with Integrity, Teamwork, Initiative, Personal Involvement) but use a role profile matrix to standardise performance expectations for each role. The company rolled out a training programme equipping individuals with the procedural knowledge and preparation requirements required to maximize the output of the PDR. Following the year end PDR, they produced a development database where they detail each employee's short term and long term goals and objectives.

Personal Growth

94% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

The St Jude Medical Employee Forum has been established for 18 months as a vehicle for staff and management to have an open discussion on any topic that has an effect on the business and personnel. The Forum membership is represented by every area of the business and the members actively seek topics to raise at bi-monthly meetings. The company also have informal surveys which are issued to solicit anonymous feedback on specific matters or events for consideration and implementation of initiatives, which have been beneficial to SJM. In addition, all staff are encouraged to raise issues and discuss with managers as well as colleagues, the employee forum rep or mentor. By relocating everyone to completely unfamiliar and unusual surroundings, the SJM office staff were invited on a boating experience day to discuss the way the office is branded and perceived, how individually and collectively they work and how things could improve. Fresh, open and honest discussions were had, an alternative mission for the office staff was agreed upon.

My Company

93% of staff agreed

My work is an important part of my life

The cornerstone of employee engagement is ensuring outstanding contribution and performance are recognised by the Company. The annual Staff Awards are one formal way in which St Jude Medical rewards superb achievements. There are 8 award categories nominated by employees, including the coveted Managing Director's Award, ultimately decided by the Country Manager. This award in particular recognises an individual who has made an exceptional impact on the business. A letter, cheque and trophy are presented to all winners – and a winner's plaque erected in Capulet House. Following a day's team-building activity, last year's awards ceremony was held at the Celtic Manor hotel in Newport and was attended by the winners, runners-up and the management team.

Personal Growth

94% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

The St Jude Medical Employee Forum has been established for 18 months as a vehicle for staff and management to have an open discussion on any topic that has an effect on the business and personnel. The Forum membership is represented by every area of the business and the members actively seek topics to raise at bi-monthly meetings. The company also have informal surveys which are issued to solicit anonymous feedback on specific matters or events for consideration and implementation of initiatives, which have been beneficial to SJM. In addition, all staff are encouraged to raise issues and discuss with managers as well as colleagues, the employee forum rep or mentor. By relocating everyone to completely unfamiliar and unusual surroundings, the SJM office staff were invited on a boating experience day to discuss the way the office is branded and perceived, how individually and collectively they work and how things could improve. Fresh, open and honest discussions were had, an alternative mission for the office staff was agreed upon.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...



Companies offering a minimum of 26 days annual leave to all employees.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Private Healthcare

Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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National Ranking
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National Ranking
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Yorkshire & The Humber
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Regional Position
Best Company to Work For in the East of England
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Sector Position
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St Jude Medical UK Ltd

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St Jude Medical UK Ltd
