Pinnacle PSG

Hidden mission statement

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

You don't need to be a highly-paid executive to be happy at work — employees at Pinnacle PSG, who are mostly cleaners and gardeners, have found themselves a top employer. The company, based in London and with 45 sites around the UK, offers services such as estate management, school and office cleaning, and grounds maintenance, often for local councils. The business has a small consultancy arm, but a lot of what it does is on a community level and staff feel the firm makes a positive difference to the world we live in, with a positive score of 65%. Most of the 1,196 employees earn less than £7,500 a year, because many work part-time. The right to work flexibly is an important part of their contract with the organisation, whether or not they have caring responsibilities, so people job share, work fewer hours or from home (if appropriate), and the company provides the technology to help. People feel that the company treats them well, and doesn't take advantage of them, with a positive score of 66%. The average age is a relatively high 45, and a 10th of the workforce have been there for more than five years, although staff turnover is 27%. Holiday is statutory, but employees can “buy” or “sell” five days of leave. Maternity leave is enhanced, with 33 weeks on half-pay rather than the government minimum, and new fathers have one of their weeks off on full pay. Work doesn't interfere with responsibilities at home (76%) or tend to leave people too exhausted (54%), and they haven't had too much recent stress due to their jobs (81%). Pinnacle scores 71% overall for questions on wellbeing, placing it 22nd in the table. Everyone has life assurance, company discounts for gym membership and an employee assistance programme, and can take company loans and childcare vouchers. Half of staff are eligible for private healthcare, although only a quarter of these take it up, and a third qualify for the final-salary pension. After three months everyone can have a contributory pension, where the firm typically puts in 7% of salary to an employee's 2.5%. Pinnacle has a “take it to the top” scheme where the chief executive John Swinney visits all offices and depots to discuss issues raised. Employees feel happy with the company, saying there is little about it they would change (giving a relatively high score of 49% — a top 10 result). Teams work well together (60%) and staff give their managers an overall positive score of 74%. The company encourages people to improve their literacy, numeracy and basic IT skills, even if they are not directly related to work. Its charitable trust, Elevate, focuses on activities to improve the lives of young people on the inner-city estates it manages.

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Pinnacle PSG

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Team

80% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

They have a free Employee Assistance Programme that gives access to a confidential face to face and telephone counselling service for all staff, for a range of issues. There is a staff discount scheme that gives discounted gym memberships and also a fee private health insurance scheme which is available to all employees.

My Manager

73% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

They successfully combine leadership development with community regeneration through their management challenges. This involves teams of managers creating lasting legacies from abandoned waste land in their communities. This concept has been extended this year by transforming a dangerous area in a school.


72% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

They have a free Employee Assistance Programme that gives access to a confidential face to face and telephone counselling service for all staff, for a range of issues. There is a staff discount scheme that gives discounted gym memberships and also a fee private health insurance scheme which is available to all employees.

My Team

80% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

They have a free Employee Assistance Programme that gives access to a confidential face to face and telephone counselling service for all staff, for a range of issues. There is a staff discount scheme that gives discounted gym memberships and also a fee private health insurance scheme which is available to all employees.

My Manager

73% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

They successfully combine leadership development with community regeneration through their management challenges. This involves teams of managers creating lasting legacies from abandoned waste land in their communities. This concept has been extended this year by transforming a dangerous area in a school.

My Team

80% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

They have a free Employee Assistance Programme that gives access to a confidential face to face and telephone counselling service for all staff, for a range of issues. There is a staff discount scheme that gives discounted gym memberships and also a fee private health insurance scheme which is available to all employees.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...



Companies offering a minimum of 26 days annual leave to all employees.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Private Healthcare

Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Regional Position
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Pinnacle PSG

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Pinnacle PSG
