Nottinghamshire YMCA

Hidden mission statement

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

Nottinghamshire YMCA have created a series of values to develop mind, body and spirit for members of the community. The organisation belongs to a worldwide Christian Ecumenical system that welcomes individuals of all faiths to take part in its activities. The charity's programmes cover health and fitness, childcare, day camps, sports, children's residential care, community centres, family and adventure activities. Their future aim is to expand further in order to create a more connected service for more communities. Through its core principles of honesty, caring, respect and responsibility, Nottinghamshire YMCA believe in creating a positive working environment for all members of staff. The company is led by Chief Executive Officer William Wakefield.

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Nottinghamshire YMCA

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Company

91% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Senior leaders demonstrate the organisation's core values, are visible and take interest in the day-to-day operational model. Chief Executive Will is accessible to all staff and operates an open-door policy. He knows everyone's first names and leads the delivery of Long Service Awards events.

Giving Something Back

89% of staff agreed

My organisation encourages charitable activities

A coaching culture helps staff reach their full potential. HR offer either ad-hoc coaching or coaching on an ongoing basis for colleagues who need the support. They also help those in difficulties or those who have gaps in their skills and knowledge.

My Team

85% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Senior leaders demonstrate the organisation's core values, are visible and take interest in the day-to-day operational model. Chief Executive Will is accessible to all staff and operates an open-door policy. He knows everyone's first names and leads the delivery of Long Service Awards events.

My Company

91% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Senior leaders demonstrate the organisation's core values, are visible and take interest in the day-to-day operational model. Chief Executive Will is accessible to all staff and operates an open-door policy. He knows everyone's first names and leads the delivery of Long Service Awards events.

Giving Something Back

89% of staff agreed

My organisation encourages charitable activities

A coaching culture helps staff reach their full potential. HR offer either ad-hoc coaching or coaching on an ongoing basis for colleagues who need the support. They also help those in difficulties or those who have gaps in their skills and knowledge.

My Company

91% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Senior leaders demonstrate the organisation's core values, are visible and take interest in the day-to-day operational model. Chief Executive Will is accessible to all staff and operates an open-door policy. He knows everyone's first names and leads the delivery of Long Service Awards events.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...


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Latest Achievements

National Ranking
Best Small Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
Best Mid-Sized Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
Best Mid-Sized Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
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National Ranking
Best Big Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
Best NFP Organisations to work for in the UK
Best Small Companies to work for in London
Best Mid Sized Companies to work for in London
Best Mid Sized Companies to work for in London
Best Large Companies to work for in London
Best Big Companies to work for in London
East of England
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The Midlands
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The East Midlands
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Northern Ireland
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The South East
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The South West
Best Companies to work for in the South West
Best Companies to work for in the Wales
Yorkshire & The Humber
Best Companies to work for in Yorkshire & The Humber
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
National Position
Company to Work For in the UK
Regional Position
Company to Work For in London
Regional Position
Best Company to Work For in the East of England
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the North East
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the North West
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Northern Ireland
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Scotland
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the South East
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the South West
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Wales
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Yorkshire & The Humber
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the East Midlands
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the West Midlands
Sector Position
Best Accountancy Firm to Work
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Best Charity Organisation to Work
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Best Construction & Engineering Company to Work
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Best Consultancy Company to Work
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Best Education & Training Organisation to Work For in the UK
Best Financial Service Company to Work
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Best Food & Drink  Company to Work
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Best Marketing & Media Agency to Work For in the UK
Best Not-For-Profit Body to Work
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Best Property Company to Work
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Best Recruitment Company to Work
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Best Retail Company to Work For in the UK
Best Technology Company to Work
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Best Telecom Company to Work
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Best Utility Company to Work
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Nottinghamshire YMCA

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1 Star

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Nottinghamshire YMCA
