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Best Company
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A JOB AT Nando's is as hot as the restaurant chain's signature peri-peri chicken dish, with happy employees ranking it the best big company to work for in the UK. Our figures speak for themselves; the company has not only debuted in first place on our big list, but also attained the best overall positive factor scores for Wellbeing (70%), My Manager (76%) and My Team (79%). Nando's came second for Leadership (75%) and attained third place positions for Fair Deal (61%) as well as My Company (77%). The company also managed 72% for Personal Growth, a score bettered by just three other organisations. With more than 220 restaurants nationwide and more than 6,300 employees, or Nandocas as they are affectionately known, the firm continues to see substantial growth with another 20 restaurants forecast to be opened this year. So, what is the Nando's secret recipe for employee engagement and how is it maintained? "The principle philosophy is creating a different kind of place to work. We wanted people to enjoy their jobs and it has been that way from the beginning," says human resources director Julia Claydon. "Our managers have the same value sets as our company, we want managers who believe that their restaurant will succeed because they look after their staff." Employees say they love working for Nando's, giving an 80% positive score, they agree that there is a strong sense of family in their teams (81%) and not only feel that managers care about them as individuals (79%), but say they also talk openly and honestly with them (82%), all top scores. Nine years ago Paulo Santimano Sequeira arrived from Portugal and on his third day in the UK he started working for Nando's. "I didn't know anyone in England, I didn't know much English and even though I was a civil servant in Portugal I got a job as a cleaner. "It was a challenge but Nando's was my first job and the place where I found my first friends," he says. Within two years, thanks to the firm's internal and external courses, Santimano Sequeira became an assistant manager of a restaurant and soon after joined the firm's central support team where he now oversees health and safety, food safety and licensing. Claydon says about 75% of her budget is invested in learning and development. That works out at about 45 hours of training annually per employee, at an average cost of £425. However, in Santimano Sequeira's case the support went further, with paid time off and help with tuition fees to complete a full-time business degree during weekends at Thames Valley University. "Decisions are not always made from the top, they will listen to everyone in the company," he says. "And to have someone who will listen to what you have to say even when you are the cleaner, shows how it can motivate a person within a company." His colleagues say they are not bored with their work, a 70% positive score. They also agree that training is a great benefit to them personally (75%), experience gained will be valuable in the future (75%) and that their jobs are good for their personal growth (79%). Employees say that managers help them fulfil their potential, giving a 74% positive score. Also, managers share important knowledge and information (76%), they listen (73%) and motivate (76%), again all top results nationally. Since joining Nando's eight years ago, area manager Nicola Pegues has become a mother twice with a third on the way. Maternity pay begins with six weeks at 90% and then 12 weeks at 50% and an additional 21 weeks at the statutory minimum. In addition to childcare help with vouchers, her working hours are very flexible. "There are some meetings I have to go to, but some days I start in the afternoon, sometimes I work the weekends or extra hours. Nobody asks me how many hours I have worked, it's grown-up," Pegues says. "I can use my brain and I still have time to see my children. I don't think, in 20 years, my kids will say I didn't spend time with them." Employees don't feel that the organisation takes advantage of them, giving it a 63% positive score, they are happy with the balance between their work and home life (70%), and don't feel work deadlines are unrealistic (73%).

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Team

96% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Due to the nature of the business there is an inherent flexibility in shifts and shift patterns immediately allowing for an effective work/life balance. There is also a work hard, play hard culture which is clearly evident with Nando's focus being on work being fun and enjoyable with social activities highly encouraged. Restaurant managers are called patraos, which translates from Portugese as ‘the head of the household', in this way the emphasis is placed on ensuring the Nando's value of family is present in each and every team.

Personal Growth

87% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

Nando's have a learning and development team within the business providing a wide variety of internally organised and run courses that include various themes such as inductions, coaching and practical courses on restaurant management. They also have two external coaches and mentors who work with the regional managers providing specialist support and development on an ad hoc basis as and when the need arises.

My Manager

86% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

Nando's have developed a Working in Management Teams programme which is designed to improve communication skills throughout the company by gaining a greater understanding about how their teams behave when working in a group. This initiative has also been adapted to include work on a community based project where people work together to support a worthy cause. Restaurant teams are able to make use of a £1500 per year staff fund which is used to celebrate with the team whilst there are also area parties celebrating overall success each quarter.

My Team

96% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Due to the nature of the business there is an inherent flexibility in shifts and shift patterns immediately allowing for an effective work/life balance. There is also a work hard, play hard culture which is clearly evident with Nando's focus being on work being fun and enjoyable with social activities highly encouraged. Restaurant managers are called patraos, which translates from Portugese as ‘the head of the household', in this way the emphasis is placed on ensuring the Nando's value of family is present in each and every team.

Personal Growth

87% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

Nando's have a learning and development team within the business providing a wide variety of internally organised and run courses that include various themes such as inductions, coaching and practical courses on restaurant management. They also have two external coaches and mentors who work with the regional managers providing specialist support and development on an ad hoc basis as and when the need arises.

My Team

96% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Due to the nature of the business there is an inherent flexibility in shifts and shift patterns immediately allowing for an effective work/life balance. There is also a work hard, play hard culture which is clearly evident with Nando's focus being on work being fun and enjoyable with social activities highly encouraged. Restaurant managers are called patraos, which translates from Portugese as ‘the head of the household', in this way the emphasis is placed on ensuring the Nando's value of family is present in each and every team.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
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Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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