Manx Telecom

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Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

THE LARGEST TELECOMMUNICATIONS and internet provider on the Isle of Man, Manx Telecom delivers fixed line, mobile and data services to consumers and businesses around the world and its highly engaged staff go out of their way to offer a great service, returning a positive score of 92% in our employee survey. Workers think the company delivers for customers (87%), believe they can make a successful contribution to the firm's success (80%) and feel they have a positive future ahead of them in the organisation (72%). Manx's vision is to do some good, make some money, have some fun. In addition to enabling people to keep in touch with their family and friends around the globe, the company runs an annual "it's our community" programme where external individual groups can apply for up to £1,000 for local projects. It also raises money for local charities through events such as its exchange challenge, which involves employees and their family and friends travelling from the firm's headquarters in Douglas by any means other than motorised transport to one or more of its out-of-town exchanges. In the past people have walked, run, cycled, ridden horses and rowed a boat. Staff are proud to work for the company (81%), love their job (75%) and think that the firm makes a difference to the world (69%). Manx Telecom introduced the first mobile phone recycling initiative on the Isle of Man and channels the money raised back into environmental projects. Employees think it is doing its bit for the planet (76%, ranking it in the top quarter of the list on this). The company invests an average of £1,000 per head on training a year to ensure its 302 staff have the skills they need, and managers have a budget to acknowledge exceptional effort with gifts such as flowers, meals or bonus payments. There is also an annual awards evening to mark significant achievements. This includes the winner of the in-house Innov8 scheme, which can award up to £50,000 for successfully implemented ideas.

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Manx Telecom

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Company

88% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Manx Telecom run an idea scheme called 'innov8' whereby staff can submit ideas for improvement. These are evaluated by a committee of managers and staff who can make financial awards based on the quality of the idea. They hold annual staff update sessions with the senior team and their managers hold monthly team briefs. Manx Telecom encourage staff to play an active part with their managers to identify specific issues and actions to address areas for improvement. After last year's survey, employees were invited to take part in a competition to submit 88 reasons that make Manx Telecom a great place to work. All the entries were rolled together to come up with the definitive list.

My Team

85% of staff agreed

People in my team go out of their way to help me

As part of Manx Telecom's monthly analysis of customer complaints they identified a need to improve the quality of customer interactions when dealing with difficult situations. As a result of this, managers were asked to undertake a staff training needs analysis which is being used to design and deliver training modules to address the specific skills required. They have recently entered the Isle of Man Newspapers award for excellence in the category 'People Management & Development'.

Personal Growth

76% of staff agreed

My work is stimulating

Manx Telecom run an idea scheme called 'innov8' whereby staff can submit ideas for improvement. These are evaluated by a committee of managers and staff who can make financial awards based on the quality of the idea. They hold annual staff update sessions with the senior team and their managers hold monthly team briefs. Manx Telecom encourage staff to play an active part with their managers to identify specific issues and actions to address areas for improvement. After last year's survey, employees were invited to take part in a competition to submit 88 reasons that make Manx Telecom a great place to work. All the entries were rolled together to come up with the definitive list.

My Company

88% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Manx Telecom run an idea scheme called 'innov8' whereby staff can submit ideas for improvement. These are evaluated by a committee of managers and staff who can make financial awards based on the quality of the idea. They hold annual staff update sessions with the senior team and their managers hold monthly team briefs. Manx Telecom encourage staff to play an active part with their managers to identify specific issues and actions to address areas for improvement. After last year's survey, employees were invited to take part in a competition to submit 88 reasons that make Manx Telecom a great place to work. All the entries were rolled together to come up with the definitive list.

My Team

85% of staff agreed

People in my team go out of their way to help me

As part of Manx Telecom's monthly analysis of customer complaints they identified a need to improve the quality of customer interactions when dealing with difficult situations. As a result of this, managers were asked to undertake a staff training needs analysis which is being used to design and deliver training modules to address the specific skills required. They have recently entered the Isle of Man Newspapers award for excellence in the category 'People Management & Development'.

My Company

88% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Manx Telecom run an idea scheme called 'innov8' whereby staff can submit ideas for improvement. These are evaluated by a committee of managers and staff who can make financial awards based on the quality of the idea. They hold annual staff update sessions with the senior team and their managers hold monthly team briefs. Manx Telecom encourage staff to play an active part with their managers to identify specific issues and actions to address areas for improvement. After last year's survey, employees were invited to take part in a competition to submit 88 reasons that make Manx Telecom a great place to work. All the entries were rolled together to come up with the definitive list.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...


Long Service

Companies where at least 40% of the staff have worked there for more than five years.


Companies offering at least 10 weeks’ full pay or generous alternative.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Private Healthcare

Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Manx Telecom

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