Just Digital

Our mission is making anything possible. We strive for excellent customer service and our employees are at the heart of everything we do.
Hidden mission statement

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

Printing and marketing services provider, Just Digital, is based in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, and believes its people are at the centre of what it does.

The company was established in 2003 with one employee and a single press in 1,000 sq ft premises. Now it has 190 staff in a 46,000 sq ft building, with ambitious expansion plans and an aim to double turnover in the next few years. The business is also moving into new sectors, including the education and pet markets.

Offering remote and hybrid working, the organisation encourages personal development and staff are supported to try different roles. Most departments have career paths, and a training budget allows employees to increase their skills.

When staff at Just Digital reported that they were feeling tired, the company reduced its working hours from 40 a week to 35. It also increased its benefits package, introduced paid parental leave and invested in mental health first aid training.

To reward staff, it brought in the Golden Ticket, a recognition scheme that allows staff to celebrate the work of colleagues. They receive a small prize per ticket, which goes into a quarterly draw and then an annual draw.

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Just Digital

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Featured Workplace Factors


57% of staff agreed

This organisation is run on strong values / principles

It has introduced regular 1-1 meetings with each employee which gives the opportunity for each person to discuss their goals and for managers to check each person is ok. It also has a suggestion box to be raised at each SMT meeting for discussion.

Fair Deal

40% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

Just Digital has a golden ticket reward and recognition scheme. This is peer-to-peer recognition and employees are able to award a ticket to another colleague and for that, in exchange, they receive a small gift. That ticket goes into a quarterly draw and then in turn an annual draw to receive bigger prizes.

Giving Something Back

89% of staff agreed

My organisation encourages charitable activities

Dedicated to giving back, the company has 0% landfill waste. Additionally, it has an ESG committee that gives tips on green living; following this, it is aiming to procure sustainable products, for example coffee and company clothing.


57% of staff agreed

This organisation is run on strong values / principles

It has introduced regular 1-1 meetings with each employee which gives the opportunity for each person to discuss their goals and for managers to check each person is ok. It also has a suggestion box to be raised at each SMT meeting for discussion.

Fair Deal

40% of staff agreed

I am happy with the pay and benefits I receive in this job

Just Digital has a golden ticket reward and recognition scheme. This is peer-to-peer recognition and employees are able to award a ticket to another colleague and for that, in exchange, they receive a small gift. That ticket goes into a quarterly draw and then in turn an annual draw to receive bigger prizes.


57% of staff agreed

This organisation is run on strong values / principles

It has introduced regular 1-1 meetings with each employee which gives the opportunity for each person to discuss their goals and for managers to check each person is ok. It also has a suggestion box to be raised at each SMT meeting for discussion.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
39% : 61%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...

Since joining Just Digital I have made a commitment to making Just Digital an even better place to work. Since our first survey in 2021 we have undertaken over 40 changes as a result of feedback received.

Andy Grundy, Managing Director



Companies that provide support to all employees for non-work related training.


Companies offering school hours contracts to all staff.

Private Healthcare

Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Women in Senior Management

At least 40% of senior managers are women.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Latest Achievements

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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Just Digital

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Just Digital
