Hull University Students' Union

By 2025, we want to be a sector-leading Students’ Union in both academic and non-academic representation for our members.
Hidden mission statement

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Hull University Students' Union is a charity that is inspired by a mission to enhance the life of every person studying at the University of Hull by bringing them together, offering them opportunities to develop, as well as to represent and empower them to make change.

Its vision is to be a sector-leading students' union in both academic and non-academic representation that reflects existing diversity and delivers the best possible services to members.

Students’ unions have been in existence since 1884 — and since its establishment in 1927 — Hull's student union has been at the heart of university life in the city. Over the years it has grown and developed, and the ground floor of Student Central is now home to a shop, a bar, two food outlets, and the student nightclub and music venue, Asylum.

The union's values are to be innovative, inclusive, positive, fun and supportive and are physically visible throughout the organisation through murals and lanyards. The senior leadership team lives these values by setting examples in the way they work, remaining visible, open and transparent, and always seeking to improve ways of working for staff.

No one day is ever the same at Hull University Students' Union — and although it admits that may sound clichéd — it is true. One day the team might be working on the climate emergency, and the next it may be inviting big names such as rapper KSI or the band Scouting for Girls to perform in Asylum.

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Hull University Students' Union

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Featured Workplace Factors


76% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Wellbeing is a priority for the union, which has joined up with the Mindful Employer Charter to give staff access to a 24-hour hotline, seven days a week. Staff are encouraged to take regular breaks throughout the day and support is given to managers to help them deal with those employees struggling with their wellbeing.
Personal Growth

79% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

The organisation supports its employees’ development in a number of different ways. This includes regular opportunities for staff to attend paid-for training programmes that complement their roles. The union’s team of presidents also attends a residential programme, where external facilitators come in to deliver training and development.
Giving Something Back

78% of staff agreed

This organisation has a strong social conscience

As a registered charity, Hull University Students' Union’s primary purpose is giving something back to the community. Students are encouraged to organise and participate in fundraising events through the Raise and Give society, benefiting numerous charities. Employees are also given corporate social responsibility days to volunteer and develop within the community.

76% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Wellbeing is a priority for the union, which has joined up with the Mindful Employer Charter to give staff access to a 24-hour hotline, seven days a week. Staff are encouraged to take regular breaks throughout the day and support is given to managers to help them deal with those employees struggling with their wellbeing.
Personal Growth

79% of staff agreed

This job is good for my own personal growth

The organisation supports its employees’ development in a number of different ways. This includes regular opportunities for staff to attend paid-for training programmes that complement their roles. The union’s team of presidents also attends a residential programme, where external facilitators come in to deliver training and development.

76% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Wellbeing is a priority for the union, which has joined up with the Mindful Employer Charter to give staff access to a 24-hour hotline, seven days a week. Staff are encouraged to take regular breaks throughout the day and support is given to managers to help them deal with those employees struggling with their wellbeing.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
36% : 64%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...
Living through and now with the Pandemic has been tough, personally and professionally for all of us, I am proud of how everyone has responded and adapted to unfamiliar and often worrying situations. As an organisation we continued to worked tirelessly for our members whilst supported one another. It is clear to see how everyone is living our renewed values, we are a Supportive, Inclusive, Innovative, Positive and Fun organisation. I along with our Trustees and Senior Leaders am committed to building and shaping HUSU for the future, as a diverse, inclusive and fair organisation and without a doubt employee engagement is at the heart of this

Jane Stafford, Chief Executive - Hull University Students' Union


Gym / Sports

Companies offering free or subsidised sports facilities / activities / gym memberships to all employees.

Women in Senior Management

At least 40% of senior managers are women.


Companies offering a minimum of 26 days annual leave to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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National Position
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Regional Position
Company to Work For in London
Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Hull University Students' Union

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