Fourth Floor Creative

We’re a fast-growing UK influencer marketing agency, helping brands reach consumers by building partnerships with influential social media content creator.
Hidden mission statement

Officially a Very Good
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Officially a Very Good
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Officially an Outstanding
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Officially a World Class
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Officially a Good
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Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
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to work for

Specialist influencer marketing agency, Fourth Floor Creative, knows how to get liked. The company works with content creators to produce branded video, experiences, events, and merchandise that get millions of views on social channels including YouTube, Twitch, TikTok and Instagram. Based in Bristol, it also has bases in Brighton, Bordeaux and Toronto.

The culture is founded on trust, openness and empowerment, underpinned by core values that include taking responsibility, innovation, resilience, being a great colleague and acting like an owner.

Teams are structured as squads and tribes. Squads are small, cross functional teams who collaboratively work together to deliver client briefs and when the squad requires support from a tribe who are skill-based, they join the squad for the duration of the project.

Employee feedback influences policies from wellbeing to flexible working with more home working on the cards. Fourth Floor also embraces diversity, understanding that the more inclusive the company is, the better its work will be and it is actively working with more social enterprises such as Creative Workforce for Bristol and Babbasa on recruitment and work experience.

Recent wellbeing initiatives included giving staff a day off to recharge their batteries and a company challenge to collectively walk or run 150km over the Easter weekend.

Fourth Floor is also committed to giving back, raising money for mental health charities, and giving employee time to help run the world's biggest video games charity event, the Jingle Jam which has raised over $20m for good causes

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Fourth Floor Creative

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Featured Workplace Factors


100% of staff agreed

I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team

Chief executive, Rich Keith and chief operating officer, Catherine Cheetham, have weekly or bi-weekly 1-2-1s with all managers offering coaching and mentoring and making sure they are listened to and supported. They also operate an “open door” culture with no need for people to wait for meetings.

My Company

100% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Last year Fourth Floor Creative conducted a pay review and gave a pay increase to employees who had been with the company for longer than a year and passed their probation and it is planning to hold a company summer party whenever it can get the whole team together.


55% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Fourth Floor Creative introduced an anonymous wellbeing support line and established a Wellbeing Warriors employee group who coordinates inclusive activities from book clubs, gaming nights and Friday night meets at the 'Online Arms' to daily #watercoolers online chats, a lunchtime scavenger hunt, pancakes and pumpkin carving


100% of staff agreed

I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team

Chief executive, Rich Keith and chief operating officer, Catherine Cheetham, have weekly or bi-weekly 1-2-1s with all managers offering coaching and mentoring and making sure they are listened to and supported. They also operate an “open door” culture with no need for people to wait for meetings.

My Company

100% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Last year Fourth Floor Creative conducted a pay review and gave a pay increase to employees who had been with the company for longer than a year and passed their probation and it is planning to hold a company summer party whenever it can get the whole team together.


100% of staff agreed

I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team

Chief executive, Rich Keith and chief operating officer, Catherine Cheetham, have weekly or bi-weekly 1-2-1s with all managers offering coaching and mentoring and making sure they are listened to and supported. They also operate an “open door” culture with no need for people to wait for meetings.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
61% : 39%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...
"We are thrilled with our accreditation and the recognition of our hard work building a culture that ensues our teams feel cared for, inspired and motivated. The pandemic has brought many challenges, and I feel incredibly proud how we as a team have come together and supported each other. The future is exciting. We have big goals but remain totally grounded that we will only succeed if we have our teams, their expertise and their creativity, and therefore will continue to ensure workforce engagement is a priority."

Catherine Cheetham, Chief Operating Officer - Fourth Floor Creative


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Latest Achievements

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Fourth Floor Creative

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Fourth Floor Creative
