Explore Learning

Hidden mission statement

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

Explore Learning are a group of children's tuition centres that help children aged 4 to 14 to achieve their potential in maths and English. The company's goal is to build confident, fearless learners who are hungry for knowledge. Their values, which staff, management and leadership are encouraged to follow at all times, include: integrity, family, inclusiveness, customer-centered and ambitious. With 131 sites across the UK, since 2001 the company has helped over 200,000 children achieve their potential and enjoy learning. Their head office is located in Guildford, Surrey, and is described as being vibrant, noisy, sometimes a little chaotic, and always welcoming, fast-paced and fun. The company is led by Managing Director Robert Hicks, who is extremely hands-on when it comes to getting out and about and supporting teams - he will regularly visit upwards of ten centres each month, often at weekends, and calls in on his travels.

A spotlight on

Explore Learning

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Bill splits his time between the head office and visiting centres. He is very active in the office, taking the time to speak to individual members of staff about how things are going inside and outside of work.

Personal Growth

93% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

On their learning and development intranet homepage, they have sections for tutors, assistant directors, centre directors and regional managers. Each section has a host of content aimed at supporting their development. They are looking to turn this into a social learning platform to share, vote and comment on the most useful content.

My Company

92% of staff agreed

I feel proud to work for this organisation

On their learning and development intranet homepage, they have sections for tutors, assistant directors, centre directors and regional managers. Each section has a host of content aimed at supporting their development. They are looking to turn this into a social learning platform to share, vote and comment on the most useful content.

My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Bill splits his time between the head office and visiting centres. He is very active in the office, taking the time to speak to individual members of staff about how things are going inside and outside of work.

Personal Growth

93% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

On their learning and development intranet homepage, they have sections for tutors, assistant directors, centre directors and regional managers. Each section has a host of content aimed at supporting their development. They are looking to turn this into a social learning platform to share, vote and comment on the most useful content.

My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Bill splits his time between the head office and visiting centres. He is very active in the office, taking the time to speak to individual members of staff about how things are going inside and outside of work.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...



Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Women in Senior Management

At least 40% of senior managers are women.

Latest Achievements

National Ranking
Best Small Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
Best Mid-Sized Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
Best Mid-Sized Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
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National Ranking
Best Big Companies to work for in the UK
National Ranking
Best NFP Organisations to work for in the UK
Best Small Companies to work for in London
Best Mid Sized Companies to work for in London
Best Mid Sized Companies to work for in London
Best Large Companies to work for in London
Best Big Companies to work for in London
East of England
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The Midlands
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The South East
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The South West
Best Companies to work for in the South West
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Yorkshire & The Humber
Best Companies to work for in Yorkshire & The Humber
Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
National Position
Company to Work For in the UK
Regional Position
Company to Work For in London
Regional Position
Best Company to Work For in the East of England
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the North East
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the North West
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Northern Ireland
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Scotland
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the South East
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the South West
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Wales
Regional Position
Company to Work For in Yorkshire & The Humber
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the East Midlands
Regional Position
Company to Work For in the West Midlands
Sector Position
Best Accountancy Firm to Work
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Best Not-For-Profit Body to Work
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Best Property Company to Work
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Best Recruitment Company to Work
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Best Retail Company to Work For in the UK
Best Technology Company to Work
For in the UK
Best Telecom Company to Work
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Best Utility Company to Work
For in the UK
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Explore Learning

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2 Star

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Explore Learning
