Broads Authority

Caring for Britain’s most important wetland and keeping it special for those who visit, work and live here.
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The Broads Authority has the important job of looking after the stunning Norfolk and Suffolk Broads, as well as the interests of the people who live, work and visit there.

It has two purposes identical to the other national park family members, relating to conservation and promoting people's understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the area. However, it also has a third purpose of looking after the waterways and protect the interests of navigation. It is the local planning authority, and a harbour and navigation authority.

Working for the Broads Authority offers a rewarding career in helping to conserve, enhance and promote the Broads. The organisation promotes a healthy work-life balance and provides a supportive working environment with opportunities for professional development.

Operating under the core values of commitment, being caring, open and honest, sustainable and exemplary, the Broads Authority values the importance of every individual across the organisation, holding all staff meetings and staff development days with activities, training and outdoor visits to help keep employees informed and engaged with its diverse scope of work.

Around 150 staff work for the Broads Authority in full-time, part-time, seasonal and temporary positions. Their jobs span a wide range of skills from finance to ecology, planning to tourism and all are crucial to the Broads Authority's work.

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Broads Authority

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Manager

85% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

Both new and developing managers are provided with specific management training and all are given access to an annual development programme to help them develop the key skills needed in their roles.
My Company

86% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

After the pandemic forced different ways of working, the organisation is now trialling agile working practices in those teams where the nature of the work undertaken allows it. All newly appointed employees will be invited to participate in the trials.

81% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

As well as having an Employee Assistance Programme in place for employees' wellbeing needs, the organisation gifted each member of the team an extra day's annual leave between Christmas and New Year in recognition of their hard work during the Covid-19 pandemic.
My Manager

85% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

Both new and developing managers are provided with specific management training and all are given access to an annual development programme to help them develop the key skills needed in their roles.
My Company

86% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

After the pandemic forced different ways of working, the organisation is now trialling agile working practices in those teams where the nature of the work undertaken allows it. All newly appointed employees will be invited to participate in the trials.
My Manager

85% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

Both new and developing managers are provided with specific management training and all are given access to an annual development programme to help them develop the key skills needed in their roles.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
63% : 37%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...
The Broads Authority has the important job of looking after the Broads and the interests of the people who live, work and visit there. It has two purposes identical to the other national park family members, relating to conservation and promoting people's understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the area. However, it also has a third purpose of looking after the waterways and protect the interests of navigation. It is the local planning authority, and a harbour and navigation authority. Working for the Broads Authority offers a rewarding career in helping to conserve, enhance and promote the Broads. The organisation promotes a healthy work-life balance and provides a supportive working environment with opportunities for professional development. The Broads Authority operates under the core values of commitment, being caring, open and honest, sustainable and exemplary. It values the importance of every individual across the organisation, holding all staff meetings and staff development days with activities, training and outdoor visits to help keep employees informed and engaged with its diverse scope of work.

John Packman, Chief Executive Officer - Broads Authority



Companies offering school hours contracts to all staff.

Long Service

Companies where at least 40% of the staff have worked there for more than five years.

Women in Senior Management

At least 40% of senior managers are women.


Companies offering a final salary scheme to all employees, or one in which the employer's contribution is at least 5%.

Latest Achievements

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National Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Broads Authority

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Broads Authority
