
To improve lives by accelerating growth and sustainability in our community
Hidden mission statement

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Officially a Very Good
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Officially an Outstanding
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Officially a World Class
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Officially a Good
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Officially a Global*
Good Company
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Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

At BIgChange nothing is small scale, including its ambition — to be a unicorn startup by 2025 and reach a value of $1bn. Staff and leaders at the software company, which sells a business management platform, think big, too, thanks to the organisation's values.

One such value is 'Big on Energy' and, in January, its 'BigOnEnergy' initiative aimed to get staff moving. The senior team led workshops such as high-intensity interval training, indoor cycling, a ladies' bootcamp, and dog-walking challenges. Money raised is donated to a health charity.

BigChange, which is based in Leeds, launched in 2013 with three people and a mission to liberate businesses, freeing them to do what they do best. Thanks to pioneering cloud-based mobile technology, it is achieving its aim with simple and intuitive software.

It's used by organisations of all sizes, helping them to eliminate paperwork, automate manual processes and boost customer service. BigChange has an enviable net promoter score of 70+, putting it in a world-class category.

Staff are encouraged to have their say in all aspects of the company through the BigVoice committee. It is an open forum made up of a representative from each team and meets fortnightly to discuss staff feelings, give feedback and come up with initiatives to solve issues. There are also discussions about product improvement, inclusivity and salaries; employees discuss what is important to them.

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Featured Workplace Factors

My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

An online communication channel is used to share company information and engage staff in a new way. At regular company huddles, news is shared and success celebrated. Staff also share successes through the Green Flag scheme, which improves interaction and communication. Meanwhile, a BigChange Book Club brings avid readers together.
Personal Growth

83% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

The business plans to launch a BigChange Talent Academy to attract staff by offering outstanding development and progression opportunities. It will provide learning for new starters, those who are developing their careers, and new managers and aspiring leaders. There will be a mixture of internal and external trainers.

68% of staff agreed

I am happy with the balance between my work and home life

Once a quarter, the business has a BigRecharge day where all staff take a paid day off to focus on whatever energises them. It also encourages staff to have a wellbeing objective that they work towards throughout the year, whether that be work-life balance, reading or starting a meditation class.
My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

An online communication channel is used to share company information and engage staff in a new way. At regular company huddles, news is shared and success celebrated. Staff also share successes through the Green Flag scheme, which improves interaction and communication. Meanwhile, a BigChange Book Club brings avid readers together.
Personal Growth

83% of staff agreed

The experience I gain from this job is valuable for my future

The business plans to launch a BigChange Talent Academy to attract staff by offering outstanding development and progression opportunities. It will provide learning for new starters, those who are developing their careers, and new managers and aspiring leaders. There will be a mixture of internal and external trainers.
My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

An online communication channel is used to share company information and engage staff in a new way. At regular company huddles, news is shared and success celebrated. Staff also share successes through the Green Flag scheme, which improves interaction and communication. Meanwhile, a BigChange Book Club brings avid readers together.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
71% : 29%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...
At BigChange, our Purpose is to improve lives by accelerating growth and sustainability in our community. To achieve this, it is vital that our talented team are engaged in, and excited by, this Purpose and our Mission to make our customers successful. The Best Companies survey is an important part of understanding how our employees feel and how we can continue to make BigChange an outstanding place to work.

Richard Warley, CEO


Gym / Sports

Companies offering free or subsidised sports facilities / activities / gym memberships to all employees.


Companies offering school hours contracts to all staff.


Companies offering a minimum of 26 days annual leave to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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