We’re a British global advertising agency helping organisations transform their brand strategy, communications, digital experiences or create more valuable relationships with their customers.
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Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially an Outstanding
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a World Class
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For

Officially a Good
Company to Work For

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Best Company
to work for

A world-famous creative agency, Bartle Bogart Hegarty (BBH) has seven offices and employs around 600 staff servicing a list of leading brands. Its slogans such as Vorsprung durch Technik – progress through technology – for Audi and Keep Walking for Johnny Walker whisky are globally recognised.

The founders' original 10 beliefs, covering fairness, integrity and creativity are displayed on the wall of every office so all employees can understand the agency's 40-year history. With its watchwords be good and be nice, BBH believes in creating an environment that people find inspiring and rewarding.

It prides itself in being a non-heirarchical company in which all employees are treated the same and has stepped up diversity and inclusiveness training to include calling out rascism in the workplace and combating unconscious bias. Pride ‘champions' host virtual coffee mornings for LGBTQ+ employees to connect.

The agency's iconic black sheep logo still symbolises its 'When the world zigs, zag' mantra, with the message to be different driving both its work for clients and its support for staff and the wider community through its “Creativity for Good” programme.

Leading the way on inclusive recruiting is a goal, with the agency undertaking a complete audit of its hiring policies to reflect its openness to a wider pool of candidates, particularly from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates. It wants to be known not only for its reputation and work but for its views on sustainability, community, diversity, inclusion, wellbeing and belonging.

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Featured Workplace Factors


75% of staff agreed

I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team

A mini MBA programme is a bespoke training scheme, created with London Business School, in which 20-25 future leaders take a two-week residential course to develop their leadership style and understand their future role in the agency, in terms of building internal and external relationships and acquiring enhanced management skills.

My Company

92% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

The agency has launched a BBH Parent Network, an advice site with its own interactive feed for working parents to connect and share tips and advice based on their own experiences of working from home. BBH Satellite was launched to connect colleagues living in the same area for non-work-related chats.

My Team

92% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

With many new recruits joining remotely, the People Team created a Virtual Onboarding Programme to help new employees to settle in their new roles despite not physically meeting their line manager or future colleagues. They were also paired with BBH ‘buddies' to assist their integration.


75% of staff agreed

I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team

A mini MBA programme is a bespoke training scheme, created with London Business School, in which 20-25 future leaders take a two-week residential course to develop their leadership style and understand their future role in the agency, in terms of building internal and external relationships and acquiring enhanced management skills.

My Company

92% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

The agency has launched a BBH Parent Network, an advice site with its own interactive feed for working parents to connect and share tips and advice based on their own experiences of working from home. BBH Satellite was launched to connect colleagues living in the same area for non-work-related chats.


75% of staff agreed

I have confidence in the leadership skills of the senior management team

A mini MBA programme is a bespoke training scheme, created with London Business School, in which 20-25 future leaders take a two-week residential course to develop their leadership style and understand their future role in the agency, in terms of building internal and external relationships and acquiring enhanced management skills.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
45% : 55%
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...


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Latest Achievements

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Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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