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Featured Workplace Factors

My Team

82% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Across the business, employees have the opportunity to develop through different training schemes. The Raising the Bar programme is more than the run of the mill training programme. It is based around changing the mind-set of the company's senior store colleagues, and giving them the tools to inspire and lead their teams to be the best they can be and enhance service to customers. STEPS is a tool that helps Argos' non-management employees achieve desired levels of performance, it is used for stores to develop their teams, whilst delivering exceptional customer service. Idevelop is used in Argos' Head Office and is an online development tool which facilitates learning. Distribution: Connecting You, is designed for the senior team, to give them the tools to understand the needs of their teams. SkillPac – includes the distribution induction, and specific training including H&S/manual handling and department role training. Professional training: Across the whole business, any employee can opt to do a funded professional course related to their role including paid study leave.

My Company

74% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Argos believes the wellbeing of all their colleagues is vitally important and something they are widening over the next year. At their distribution centres, the company are currently trialling a wellbeing programme which will potentially be rolled out to other distribution sites and the rest of Argos. This trial aims to prevent and/or incorporate early detection, therefore maintaining and improving the health and wellbeing of the workforce. A regular monthly calendar of events incorporates health awareness campaigns including mental health, diet & exercise, cancer, stopping smoking and flu vaccinations, corporate benefits promotion, managing money and fun/team building events. Across the whole business the company offers the below, under the umbrella of wellbeing: All colleagues have access to a confidential telephone line to support facilities that provide guidance on health, financial and legal advice. In addition to the actual health of their colleagues, other elements of wellbeing including financial help.

My Manager

73% of staff agreed

I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me

Across the business, employees have the opportunity to develop through different training schemes. The Raising the Bar programme is more than the run of the mill training programme. It is based around changing the mind-set of the company's senior store colleagues, and giving them the tools to inspire and lead their teams to be the best they can be and enhance service to customers. STEPS is a tool that helps Argos' non-management employees achieve desired levels of performance, it is used for stores to develop their teams, whilst delivering exceptional customer service. Idevelop is used in Argos' Head Office and is an online development tool which facilitates learning. Distribution: Connecting You, is designed for the senior team, to give them the tools to understand the needs of their teams. SkillPac – includes the distribution induction, and specific training including H&S/manual handling and department role training. Professional training: Across the whole business, any employee can opt to do a funded professional course related to their role including paid study leave.

My Team

82% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Across the business, employees have the opportunity to develop through different training schemes. The Raising the Bar programme is more than the run of the mill training programme. It is based around changing the mind-set of the company's senior store colleagues, and giving them the tools to inspire and lead their teams to be the best they can be and enhance service to customers. STEPS is a tool that helps Argos' non-management employees achieve desired levels of performance, it is used for stores to develop their teams, whilst delivering exceptional customer service. Idevelop is used in Argos' Head Office and is an online development tool which facilitates learning. Distribution: Connecting You, is designed for the senior team, to give them the tools to understand the needs of their teams. SkillPac – includes the distribution induction, and specific training including H&S/manual handling and department role training. Professional training: Across the whole business, any employee can opt to do a funded professional course related to their role including paid study leave.

My Company

74% of staff agreed

I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation

Argos believes the wellbeing of all their colleagues is vitally important and something they are widening over the next year. At their distribution centres, the company are currently trialling a wellbeing programme which will potentially be rolled out to other distribution sites and the rest of Argos. This trial aims to prevent and/or incorporate early detection, therefore maintaining and improving the health and wellbeing of the workforce. A regular monthly calendar of events incorporates health awareness campaigns including mental health, diet & exercise, cancer, stopping smoking and flu vaccinations, corporate benefits promotion, managing money and fun/team building events. Across the whole business the company offers the below, under the umbrella of wellbeing: All colleagues have access to a confidential telephone line to support facilities that provide guidance on health, financial and legal advice. In addition to the actual health of their colleagues, other elements of wellbeing including financial help.

My Team

82% of staff agreed

My team is fun to work with

Across the business, employees have the opportunity to develop through different training schemes. The Raising the Bar programme is more than the run of the mill training programme. It is based around changing the mind-set of the company's senior store colleagues, and giving them the tools to inspire and lead their teams to be the best they can be and enhance service to customers. STEPS is a tool that helps Argos' non-management employees achieve desired levels of performance, it is used for stores to develop their teams, whilst delivering exceptional customer service. Idevelop is used in Argos' Head Office and is an online development tool which facilitates learning. Distribution: Connecting You, is designed for the senior team, to give them the tools to understand the needs of their teams. SkillPac – includes the distribution induction, and specific training including H&S/manual handling and department role training. Professional training: Across the whole business, any employee can opt to do a funded professional course related to their role including paid study leave.

Quick Facts

Organisation established in
Total number of UK employees
Number of UK locations
Employee average age
Male : Female employee ratio
Employees earning £35k+
Employee turnover (voluntary)
Quote from the top...


Long Service

Companies where at least 40% of the staff have worked there for more than five years.

Private Healthcare

Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.

Latest Achievements

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Sector Ranking
Best Companies to work for in the UK
Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Sector Ranking
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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Regional Position
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