My Company - The level of engagement employees feel with their job and organisation
My Company is what we call an ‘output’ factor, it focuses on people’s ‘love’ and ‘pride’ in working for your organisation.
Now unfortunately you can’t directly make people feel these emotions, but when all of the other seven factors are doing well, people will be far more likely to experience that love and pride ultimately improving the My Company factor as a result.
Last year, WRAP's summer staff conference took place at Oxford Town Hall. The theme was to celebrate team working and interdependence. Bonita Norris, the youngest female to summit Everest, spoke to the WRAP team about her experiences and the importance of teamwork.
At the 2017 summer conference, employees were invited to send in a photo with a team that they had worked with in the past year. The winning team, selected by Julie Hill (Chair of WRAP) and Marcus Gover (CEO), won a paid team lunch.
At the 2017 summer conference, employees were invited to send in a photo with a team that they had worked with in the past year. The winning team, selected by Julie Hill (Chair of WRAP) and Marcus Gover (CEO), won a paid team lunch.
Once a year, Worldpay organises a journey for high-potential employees throughout the business. Participants are told what to pack but do not know where they will be going. The journey in 2017 was to Sardinia.
Once a year, Worldpay organises a journey for high-potential employees throughout the business. Participants are told what to pack but do not know where they will be going. The journey in 2017 was to Sardinia.
Once a year, Worldpay organises a journey for high-potential employees throughout the business. Participants are told what to pack but do not know where they will be going. The journey in 2017 was to Sardinia.
They offer reduced working hours for 13 weeks when mums return to work, and managers are encouraged to work with their staff to see what arrangements work best for them. They also offer five days maternity support in the lead up to the birth.
They offer reduced working hours for 13 weeks when mums return to work, and managers are encouraged to work with their staff to see what arrangements work best for them. They also offer five days maternity support in the lead up to the birth.
One of their biggest successes in 2017 was their annual staff volunteering project. More than 100 members of staff – from the senior directors to bricklayers - took part, helping to transform a derelict piece of land into a community allotment.
Their induction programme is based around their principles and values and is delivered by an external training consultancy to all new team members. The practice's mission is on every poster, business card, job advertisement and other marketing materials.
Tim has a strong belief in the principles of White Cross Vets. He always listens to ideas and suggestions and welcomes every new member of the team on their first day. Each year, he organises a mystery day out to thank the support office team for their hard work.
The Annual Congress brings the whole company together for three days. The theme for 2017 was ‘Learn, Make Friends, Have Fun' and included an awards dinner and ‘Medieval Mayhem' teambuilding session.
There are a number of schemes intended to bring employees closer together. These include using Facebook's Workplace, quarterly meetings, informal workshops with an open Q&A session with James, and Show and Tell - an employee-led initiative giving staff the opportunity to showcase their upcoming projects.
Managers have monthly one-to-one meetings with their line manager to discuss their progress. 360-degree feedback is also used for managers on an informal basis.
There are a number of schemes intended to bring employees closer together. These include using Facebook's Workplace, quarterly meetings, informal workshops with an open Q&A session with James, and Show and Tell - an employee-led initiative giving staff the opportunity to showcase their upcoming projects.
Managers are regularly invited to attend workshops designed to show how to identify the symptoms of stress in their staff. The aim of these workshops is to raise awareness and help prevent long-term work-related stress issues.
Managers are regularly invited to attend workshops designed to show how to identify the symptoms of stress in their staff. The aim of these workshops is to raise awareness and help prevent long-term work-related stress issues.
Wardell Armstrong recognise that people learn well from each other, so have increased the number of internal learning events, which are connected with social functions and events.
WWA ensures that it recognises success and incentivises its employees. Where staff have achieved excellence in their discipline, or have gone above and beyond their role, Partners and Office Leads reward employees accordingly.
A Christmas event is hosted for Ward William Associates entire team of employees and their partners. It usually involves informal sporting events during the day followed by a black-tie dinner and dance in the evening. Previous events have been held at the Eden Project and St Mellion Resort.
A Christmas event is hosted for Ward William Associates entire team of employees and their partners. It usually involves informal sporting events during the day followed by a black-tie dinner and dance in the evening. Previous events have been held at the Eden Project and St Mellion Resort.
One employee, who came to the company as a student and qualified as an accountant, saw a gap in the market to target the creative industry. They pitched the idea to the board and now they successfully run Ward Williams Creative.
Flexible working and time off is granted to employees on a case-by-case basis. The company also hosts annual summer and Christmas parties.
Flexible working and time off is granted to employees on a case-by-case basis. The company also hosts annual summer and Christmas parties.
The company operates a pay banding practice that links financial reward to demonstrated competence over time. As the skill set required by their manual workers is very specific, they bring employees in on a starting salary with the opportunity for pay progression up to 10% as they develop their skills.
The probation process for new employees includes a defined six-month objective and development plan to give new employees clarity of expectations at each review period. This also provides managers with a tool to measure performance.
The company operates a pay banding practice that links financial reward to demonstrated competence over time. As the skill set required by their manual workers is very specific, they bring employees in on a starting salary with the opportunity for pay progression up to 10% as they develop their skills.
Each month, the company hosts ‘make time for wine' sessions where a wine expert visits the office. It is a good chance for people from different teams to interact and learn more about wine while doing something enjoyable during the work day.
The Chief Executive Officer Jay does not have an office, opting to sit on a desk with the rest of the team. This way he is easily accessible to everyone, can join in conversations and get to know everyone in the team well.
The Chief Executive Officer Jay does not have an office, opting to sit on a desk with the rest of the team. This way he is easily accessible to everyone, can join in conversations and get to know everyone in the team well.
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