Group of employees celebrating recognition

Receiving recognition
‍from Best Companies

Be rewarded for how your employees really feel about you as an organisation

Showcase yourself as one of the Best Companies to Work For in the UK

Our accreditation programme is the standard for workplace engagement. Just like the way that the Michelin star system signifies excellence in the hospitality sector, our star-based ratings system is the equivalent used to recognise the very best in the workplace.

Earning a Best Companies accreditation tells your clients, partners, investors, and employees that your organisation understands the importance of workplace engagement and genuinely values its people. It can help you attract the very best talent, improve staff retention and even help you win new business by showing you hold yourself to the very highest standards.

It also generates positive marketing and PR opportunities, raising your organisation’s profile as part of a nationally recognised and respected scheme. For those organisations that achieve the highest accreditation ratings, there is an opportunity to be listed as one of the UK’s Best Companies to Work For – a highly sought-after accolade.

Best Companies Accreditation

Best Companies World Class Accreditation logo
Our company accreditation is a tangible framework for benchmarking and improvement, that recognises those organisations, that achieve a high enough Best Companies Index (BCI) score, earning a One to Watch status or 1 - 3 Star Accreditation.
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MC3 World Class Manager Accreditation logo
Our manager accreditation recognises managers that are going above and beyond to support their teams. The certification provided celebrates strong levels of managerial engagement to showcase their achievement both internally and externally.
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The UK's Best Companies to Work For Lists

Those with the highest Best Companies Index (BCI) scores will have the chance to feature on the UK’s Best Companies to Work For Lists. As well as being a celebration of great engagement, this offers a unique opportunity to showcase your organisation on national, regional and sectorial platforms.

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Best Companies Live logo

Join us and presenter Dan Walker for our first Best Companies Live of 2024 in February.

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Looking for more information on our solutions? Let us know how we can help and the right member of our team will be in touch shortly.


If you want an accurate reflection of how your employees feel across departments, teams, and job grades in your company, then understanding the key themes and patterns in your survey data will provide you with the knowledge to help you unlock your organisation's engagement potential.

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When choosing an engagement partner, experience is key to understanding the ‘what, why and how’ that will lead to improvement within your organisation.

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