Two men sat in meeting

Start you insightsjourney with us today...

The ideal way to gauge how your employees truly feel about your organisation

How insight makes positive change to employee engagement

When people are engaged, they feel connected to each other and to the aims of the organisation they work for. They believe in a shared purpose and feel they play an important part in fulfilling it.

An engaged workforce is more motivated and productive because people take pride in what they are doing and have faith in those around them. This leads to better working relationships, greater collaboration and, ultimately, a more successful organisation. Every great engagement journey starts by asking employees how they really feel. But it is those organisations that unlock the value from the answers they provide that will have the ability to make change happen.

If you want an accurate reflection of how your employees feel across departments, teams, and job grades in your company, then understanding the key themes and patterns in your survey data will provide you with the knowledge to help you unlock your organisation's engagement potential.

Best Companies has over 20 years of experience delivering specialist insight to some of the world’s best-known organisations. We’ve built a suite of sophisticated, yet easy-to-use tools to help you explore the rich and compelling data your b-Heard survey generates.

From self-service platforms that enable you to fully embrace your survey data, through to interactive face-to-face sessions to help you interpret it – our experience has enabled us to provide not just something for everyone, but products that really work.

Employee engagement survey data shown on a laptop

Our Insight Products

Workplace Insight is a platform that helps you to visualise the data captured in your survey to provide an overall picture of what engagement is like in your organisation. It paves the path for improvement and gives you the tools you need to make it happen.
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Based on your survey results, the unique MC³ framework helps you identify great management in your organisation, as well as opportunities for improvement. It helps enable you to have effective conversations with the right people and creates a positive platform on which to develop better recognition, understanding and support.
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Delivering a specialist interpretation of your survey data, a Data Insight session gives you clear and actionable insight into how you can improve engagement in your organisation. It helps start meaningful conversations that can elevate your organisation to the next level, or provide the essential first step on the journey to improvement.
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Meeting of engaged team

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Earning a Best Companies accreditation tells your clients, partners, investors, and employees that your organisation understands the importance of workplace engagement and genuinely values its people.

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When choosing an engagement partner, experience is key to understanding the ‘what, why and how’ that will lead to improvement within your organisation.

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