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What are the key drivers of engagement in 2024?

Insights to benefit your organisation: State of Engagement Report

In our latest report, we look at the overall ‘State of Engagement’ in the UK in 2024. Packed with data from over 350,000 employees across 468 organisations, it delves into the things that matter in people’s working lives.

Some key takeaways:

  • There’s a significant decline in engagement scores after an employee has completed their 6-12 month ‘honeymoon period’.
  • 61% of companies surveyed saw their leadership score drop depending on their working pattern.
  • In organisations where employees work 4+ days from home, 53% saw a drop in their 'love' and 'pride' for their organisation.
  • Employees significantly value their employer’s commitment to giving something back to people and planet, with 59% of organisations seeing a rise in this area.

To access your free copy of the report, and read more about each of these key findings in detail, simply fill out the form.

To request more information or to find out more about how the insights in the report can help your organisation achieve its goals for 2024 and beyond, click here to get in touch.

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