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How organisations can overcome engagement challenges in their non-hybrid workforce

Insights to benefit your organisation: Hybrid Working Report

Our latest report studies the performance of non-hybrid and partially hybrid organisations; what obstacles they are facing, and what strategies they can implement to compete and succeed in a growing hybrid world.

Backed up with data from over 350,000 employees across 468 organisations, this report analyses what truly matters to employees and the best practice applied by companies who are defying the trends shown through our data.

Some key takeaways:

  • How leaders at non-hybrid and partially hybrid organisations can improve their communication and provide clarity to their employees.
  • How organisations can increase employee wellbeing and build stronger relationships between managers and their teams.
  • What strategies organisations have implemented to buck the trend and perform above the average of their competitors.

To access your free copy of the report, and read more about each of these key findings in detail, simply fill out the form.

To request more information or to find out more about how the insights in the report can help your organisation achieve its goals for 2024 and beyond, click here to get in touch.

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