Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For
Officially a Very Good
Company to Work For
Officially an Outstanding
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Officially an Outstanding
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Officially a World Class
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Officially a World Class
Company to Work For
Officially a Good
Company to Work For
Officially a Good
Company to Work For
Officially a Global*
Good Company
to Work For
Officially a Good
Company to Work For
VioVet Ltd offers a variety of pet and horse supplies, including prescription and non-prescription medications, food, toys and equipment. They stock many of the leading market brands, as well as their own-branded products and supplements. This is all offered at considerable savings to the customer who can expect to receive excellent value for money and an efficient, professional service whenever they contact them. VioVet started small. During 2006 the law changed enabling prescription animal medication to be sold online and 16-year-old Luke Cousins, the son of a successful vet and vet nurse took on the challenge of building VioVet. Over ten years later and now being majority owned by the Canadian firm Fairfax Financial Holdings, they now have over one million customers. VioVet's mission is to be the 'Best Online Pet Retailer in Europe for their customers, their suppliers and their employees'. At VioVet, you are not just starting a job, you are starting a career. People are their biggest asset and their vibrant and engaging culture is their biggest differentiator. They ensure that they create a happy, stimulating and challenging environment for all employees to thrive in so that they can be the best version of themselves. VioVet empower each and every one of their VioVet-ers by treating them like individuals and offering great benefits, such as fair pay. They believe that when organisations show care towards their people, their people apply that level of care to their customers.
I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation
VioVet leaders don't have offices and choose to sit amongst the employees. They are very open to feedback and encourage people to have open and honest conversations with them.
I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me
VioVet reward Warehouse Operatives based on an efficiency measurement. They measure this based on multiple different factors in their role, and the overall score is marked 0-10. For anyone who scores 8 or more over the month, they receive 10% of their basic monthly salary as a bonus.
My team is fun to work with
VioVet reward Warehouse Operatives based on an efficiency measurement. They measure this based on multiple different factors in their role, and the overall score is marked 0-10. For anyone who scores 8 or more over the month, they receive 10% of their basic monthly salary as a bonus.
I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation
VioVet leaders don't have offices and choose to sit amongst the employees. They are very open to feedback and encourage people to have open and honest conversations with them.
I feel that my manager talks openly and honestly with me
VioVet reward Warehouse Operatives based on an efficiency measurement. They measure this based on multiple different factors in their role, and the overall score is marked 0-10. For anyone who scores 8 or more over the month, they receive 10% of their basic monthly salary as a bonus.
I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the success of this organisation
VioVet leaders don't have offices and choose to sit amongst the employees. They are very open to feedback and encourage people to have open and honest conversations with them.
Companies offering at least 10 weeks’ full pay or generous alternative.
Companies offering private health insurance to all employees.
Companies offering profit related pay to all employees.
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